The real story of the development of our planet Earth. Part One
Historians present historical facts or prove ideological concepts with their help. Meanwhile, ancient chronicles and documents of the past have preserved for us evidence of prophecies and revelations, - magicians, seers, astrologers. Philosophers and historians, as well as theological books, only mention them. And yet these extraordinary testimonies are perhaps the most fascinating and compelling evidence of the heavenly origins of Earthly affairs.
Intelligent beings like modern humans and the first settlements and developed communities they created appeared on Earth at least 500 million years ago. Indian sources tell us that there were already 24 civilizations on our Earth.
In addition, it is argued that the solar system is now experiencing its 1002nd complete cycle of development, and we are not much further from the middle of it.
And the last thing: taking into account the fact that we have already passed the point of collapse of parallel realities (2012), the given chronology could include events from different timelines, or almost the same events could occur with a shift in time, regarding the indicated. Consequently, we recommend that you not get too attached to the spatiotemporal characteristics of events, but rather pay more attention to your attitude toward them, because your attitude toward past events has a direct impact on present events. At the same time, the following statement is still valid: he who does not know his past does not know his future.
14.035 billion years B.C. - the manifestation of our Universe from being to nothingness, given that being in the world of the higher. The Indian Vedas give an order of magnitude higher figure of 155,539 billion years. Which of the numbers is more exact is currently difficult to say, given that modern science gives figures of cosmic measurements with a discrepancy of hundreds or even thousands of times.
8,105 million years B.C. - the explosion of a "supernova," the former Sun, with the formation of the current Sun. Small stars - future earth - were orbiting around the Sun, blazing just like the star itself. The duration of the complete cycle of the Sun from "supernova" to "supernova" is estimated at 14 billion years.
6,000 million years B.C. - The formation of the granite crust on Earth. At that time, the surface was nearly flat, covered with rock debris-almost as old as Venus is now. According to the age of the oldest preserved rocks, scientists mistakenly date the age of the Earth itself and the solar system. There are mentions that there were four moons orbiting the Earth at this time.
2,800 million years B.C. - The time when intelligent insects existed on Earth. The ancient Vedas say that the mysterious civilization of insects abandoned both the Earth and the Sun: an earthquake split the continents, and the solar fire burned all that survived on them. When the vector of civilization's development shifted to processes of a purely technogenic nature, the collective consciousness of society was seized by a degenerative madness. The society ceased to grow and develop spiritually. Although capsules with fossilized remains of the Insects survived in the bowels of the Earth, some parts of them managed to escape and left the Earth.
2,600 million years B.C. - According to the Law of One, the appearance in the solar system of a race of Ancient Builders. This group settled on Venus. They possessed powerful defensive technologies, which were entire satellites that could act as pulse weapons. Such weapons originally protected the solar system and dozens of neighboring systems from any hostile invaders.
1,900 million years B.C. - There was a detachment of the Earth's shell from the core with its overturn and acceleration in the opposite direction to the rotation of the core - the speed of the shell's rotation increased. The Earth moved away from the Sun to a more distant orbit; it acquired a strong magnetic field and radiation belts which protected the planet from the action of cosmic rays. The formation of the primary continental plates began.
1 500 million years BC. - is the time when white people appeared on Earth. Earth's climate was not yet favorable for white settlers, although life already existed in the oceans, so firstly the moons of Nyia (Neptune), Stribog (Saturn), Perun (Jupiter), then began to develop Oreus (Mars) and Dei (Maldek, was between Mars and Jupiter). The modern study of asteroids, moons and solar system lands raises new questions rather than providing answers.
800 million years B.C. - With the end of the Proterozoic Era, temporary bases of representatives of the white space race began to appear on Earth. Traces of their presence are found on all continents and continents. Just look at the finding in the Tisulsky area of the Kemerovo region, in the village of Rzhavchik. Under a layer of coal, in an incision, were found marble sarcophagi with the bodies of people of the white race, filled with strange fluid.
400 million years B.C. - in the Devonian era, the spores of lichens, mosses, and fungi, and then psilophytes, plants, and ferns were brought to Earth to increase the amount of oxygen and bind up excess carbon dioxide. Maybe that's why, even more recently, our forefathers were so fond of decorating the gables and windows of homes with stylized forked psilophytes, the leaves of ancient planes, and the shoots of the first conifers. But at the end of the Carboniferous period (300 million years), for unknown reasons, all the forests on the planet burned down, giving rise to coal deposits.
200 million years B.C. - In the Mesozoic, a new wave of migrants came to Earth. According to the Vedas, the rulers of the cosmos were the Adityas. What happened in the Triassic and Jurassic no one knows. Nothing about this era is even written in the Vedas. It seems that the space aliens rearranged the half-living Earth and set in motion a chain of new civilizations. The only thing that can be said is that none of them died as a result of a global war. Civilizations succeeded each other for many hundreds of thousands of years. In the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods, humans, and people very similar to us, lived on Earth along with the dinosaurs. For some reason, the race of white people left the Earth, to be replaced by a race of big-headed people. They were reddish-skinned, black-haired, and stunted. They came to Earth in the second half of the Jurassic period. You only have to study Dr. Cabrero's lithographs to be convinced. The people depicted there bear little resemblance to those of the white race.
120 million B.C. - The peak of the flowering of a highly developed civilization after the settlement of the Earth by white settlers. Several times they left Earth, but not finding a better planet, they returned again, and at the end of the Jurassic period, the Earth's inhabitants managed to "launch" a highly developed civilization on the planet. Why it died is unknown, its demise coincides with the global glaciation of the Earth, which changed the planet's climate at the end of the Jurassic and beginning of the Cretaceous. Obviously, this glaciation was a consequence of some serious cosmic cataclysm. One way or another, this civilization has completely ceased to exist.
100 million years BC. - time of the appearance on Earth of a race of red giants from the constellation Sirius. They have created on the coast of the ancient continents of the sea a number of covered by transparent caps cities, from where their aircraft plowed through the Earth's sky and rushed into space. The bodies of red giants were found in the glaciers of the Himalayas and Cordilleras, in the Pleistocene. The horological formation was taking place just in the Cretaceous period. In Tibet, their bodies were mummified, covered with thin plates of gold, and hidden in caves under the temple of the Dalai Lama. 66 million years ago there was a global catastrophe or war that killed most of the red giants and dinosaurs. If we believe the legends of the American Indians, the people of that ancient civilization knew about the impending disaster, and some of them had time to leave the Earth, while others decided to build underground homes and there to wait until the celestial elements calmed down. Some ancient Egyptian texts claim that the giant red-skinned people lived on earth after the fiery catastrophe for a long time yet. They led a secluded life and preferred not to communicate with other earthly races.
According to the Cabrero lithograph, there was also a race of big-headed, below average height, with a large head and large facial features. According to Buddhist texts, their skin was dark brown and their hair was developed. The images on the stone show their life during both the Cretaceous and Paleocene periods, up to the Miocene. But in the early Pliocene, about 5 million years ago, they began to degenerate sharply and presumably evolved into Australopithecines.
First, the little people on Earth built a long-term base. They chose a place in the foothills of the Cordilleras on the Pacific Ocean. From there they spread across Europe, Asia, and Africa. Such dispersal over the continents of the race of bigheads indicates that the race, for some reason having lost its status as an esoteric occult civilization, had turned into a civilization of low micro-evolutionary level.
40 million years BC. - The approximate time of the flowering of the silicon life form on Earth. But 30-35 million years ago the Flint era came to an abrupt end, as it was barbarously plundered and totally destroyed. As they say - only stumps (table mountains) were left.
35 million B.C. - The return of the Insects to Earth, leading to the barbaric plundering of natural resources. At the turn of 30 million years ago, the Insects were again expelled from the planet.
Eighteen million years B.C.. - Almost simultaneously, two races came to Earth from the distant cosmos: from the constellation of Orion, the so-called race of white gods Aditya; from the double star Sirius, a black or dark-brown race. The black people inhabited East Africa, and the white people inhabited the vast northern continent, which was named Oriana in honor of its stellar metropolis. The Siriusians possessed high technology that allowed them to build a highly advanced civilization on Earth in a short period of time. Civilization of the aliens from Orion was not built on a material basis, but on a psychophysical one.
When other kindred white race (children of goddess Diti) appeared on the Earth, the Vedas don't say. They came from one of the planets of the double star Sirius and settled on a mountainous continent in the Atlantic Ocean.
8 million years B.C. - there was a nuclear war between the northern white race and the southern brown race living in the mountains of the East African rift. The Tibetan Veda says that the ancient military conflict was provoked by a cosmic observer of Earth's colonies, a certain Mara. Traces of the great struggle between the two cosmic races can still be found on Earth today. In the North, these are the walls of ancient castles, melted down by ultra-high temperatures. In Africa, on the East African Rift, there is a huge cemetery of bones of animals that once died of high radiation. In addition, the entire area has become a zone of high radiation for several million years.
Scientists believe that the radiation was natural, that out of the blue natural nuclear reactors started up in the mountains of Somalia and Ethiopia. But they are stubbornly silent about the melted rocks of Spitsbergen, the melted rocks of Novaya Zemlya and the glass-like masses of stone hills with buildings (castles) standing on them in the north of Scotland. It takes gigantic temperatures to melt basalts or granites.
The war ended with the intervention of both metropolises. Peace came to Earth. But Mara was never punished. This demon-observer escaped the pursuit of his opponents, as the Vedas say, into the protuberances of a supernova. But his supporters on Earth called Maru by another name. He became known as the son of the Morning Star or Lucifer. The race of brown Siriusians was forced to leave their colony in eastern Africa and relocate partly to its north to the savannah, partly to the east, to the vast tropical island of Lemuria, in the middle of the Indian Ocean. The white race also had to resettle partly from the ruined lands. They inhabited the northern part of the vast continent of the Atlantic.
The continent of Antlan was very rich in various minerals. Its mountains were covered with virgin, impenetrable forests, and its plains were excellent pastures where herds of antelope, giraffes, buffalo, and even small elephants grazed. There were many lakes on the island, clear, turbulent rivers flowed from the mountains, and despite the fact that Antlán lay in the hot tropical zone and the average annual temperature was quite high, cool, refreshing winds constantly blew from the mountains and the ocean. The powerful technocratic civilization of the primordial Atlanteans flourished on this land rich in all kinds of natural resources.
Many hundreds of thousands of years later, after the death of Lemuria, the black race from the north of Africa penetrated to the south of Europe and to Asia Minor, from where it began to spread as far as the southern Urals.
2 million years B.C. - according to the ancient Russian myth of the struggle of Veles with the mighty Rinus and his dragon ally, red-skinned humans and serpents appeared on Earth. There is indirect mention that armadas of alien interstellar ships came from the constellation of Scorpio from the lands of the dying star. The Redskins originated from the constellation Leo. The myth says that Veles defeated his enemy, ravaged his "eagle's nest" (Astra?) in the sky, but Rin, having fallen to Earth, penetrated into the bowels of the planet and there survived. The myth of the battle between Veles and Rin is the oldest known legend of the arrival of powerful non-humanoids on Earth. There are mentions that serpents appeared in the solar system about 66 million years ago. And even 80 million, but then they left the planet.
As the Avestan texts, Vedic and Buddhist traditions tell us, the ancient land of the Atlanteans, after its defeat by cosmic aggressors, was almost depopulated. The Vedas of the Dogon and the ancient legends of the Berbers speak of this. The same Diodorus tells, basing himself on extant sources, that the people of Atlantis, having survived the catastrophe that destroyed its ancient civilization, lived for many centuries in savagery and chaos. It took a long time before the once great Atlantis rose from the ruins and became a powerful and prosperous power again. Plato mentions in his dialogues "Timaeus" and "Critias" that the population of Atlantis was heterogeneous and represented federations, but he does not say which races made up the Atlantean nation. The population of late Atlantis, according to the myths, consisted of a union of two white races: blond-haired and black-haired, and in time another race appeared on the continent - the black race (Lemurians).
2 million years B.C. - Approximate time of settlement by races of red-skinned and black-haired white people on a giant flat continent in the Pacific Ocean. This continent, or the land of Mu, is called Pacifica in the ancient lore of the Chinese and inhabitants of southeast Asia. The legends of the Pacific Atlantis, or Pacifica, exist among all the tribes and peoples of the Pacific. The continent finally went underwater about 3,600 years ago. The red race migrated to the American continent, partially to southeast Asia, and from the white race the ancient white people of Easter Island - those whom the Polynesians call in their legends and songs the long-eared ones - subsequently emerged. White people also populated South America.
Read the legends of the Hopi Indians, how and where they came from on the American continent. The Hopi legends say that first they were moved to the Grand Canyon, and from there the ant people took them underground for generations to survive the great cataclysm on Earth.
1,500,000 B.C. - the time of the death of the continent Lemuria in the Indian Ocean. An asteroid (plasmoid) crashing into the continent killed 300 million dark brown Lemurians, the direct ancestors of the Tamils who came from the double star Sirius. Now the feral descendants of the Lemurians live in Sri Lanka, southern India, Ethiopia, and parts of Kenya and Australia. The Kenyan Maasai still amazes many travelers with its exquisite beauty. In their lore, the memory of their great past is preserved.
According to the Sumerian cuneiform texts, an archipelago of islands existed for a long time on the place of the Lemurian continent, which was called the country of Dilmun. From that archipelago, the survivors of the black cosmic race eventually migrated to Sri Lanka, southern India, and the delta of the Tigris and Euphrates. In these places, the mythology of Lemuria is partially preserved. It is from the descendants of the black settlers, the Sumerians learned about the trouble that came to our planet about 1.500 thousand years ago. The fact is that in place of ancient Sumerians settlers from Dilmun created their own distinctive civilization, which is called in science the Ubaid civilization.
602 300 BC. - the time of the Three Suns. At that time, the orbits of the solar system, a white giant and a brown dwarf passed in "close" proximity to each other, which for the inhabitants of Earth at the time created the feeling of three suns. In those days, the Earth and the other planets of the system had days filled with rainbow multicolors, for three Suns, having different spectra, illuminated our Earth from all sides.
There are sources claiming that our Sun is part of a triple star system. But right now the two stars are not bright enough for us to see them visually. Think at least of the mention of the star Mara, or the pictures showing what the Sun looks like from Pluto's orbit - it's a small bright dot. Moreover, Polaris (the constellation Zemun, M. Medvedica) is a triple star, which is characteristic of stars in this particular constellation. And we know that the Sun is included in the constellation Zemun as the eighth star. In turn, the constellation Zemun belongs to the galactic star system called Swati. One of the Brown Dwarf Earths named Nimizid, depicted as a disk with wings, has a rotation period of 3600 years.
" In triple systems... two stars usually co-rotate in closed orbits, and a third star orbits the pair at a great distance. In a system of four stars, such as Mizar, two close pairs are likely to orbit each other at a great distance."./ Hartman
550,000 B.C. - the time of the demise of the inhabited planet Maldek. Where this planet was located it is still problematic to say unequivocally. But we have two candidates for this role: the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and the Kuiper Belt beyond Neptune. The inhabitants of Maldek have begun to build a ring around Saturn made of some kind of transparent aluminum alloy. If the ring was completed, they would have a pulse weapon capable of destroying planets even in other solar systems. It is reported that the ring was destroyed simultaneously with the destruction of the Maldek and that the shattered fragments formed the rings of Saturn, in which large fragments of this artifact can still be seen.
500,000 B.C. - the time of the appearance in the Earth's orbit of a satellite named the Moon. The artificial satellite was intended to stabilize the periodically wobbling rotation and unstable climate of the Earth, which had plagued it since the demise of Lemuria. According to the laws of physics, the Earth should not have such a large natural satellite. In addition, despite its impressive size, unlike other similar moons in the solar system, it has no active core. And all programs to study the Moon raise more questions than answers.
458 B.C. 508. - the time of the beginning of the settlement of Da'Aria, the northern continent which appeared at the time of the Three Suns. This continent looked like the one shown on Mercator's map. In the center was Mount Meru. Four rivers flowed to it: the Svaga, the H'Arra, the Tula, and the Rai.
"Opposite the Gallic coast to the north there is an island in the ocean no smaller than Sicily, which is inhabited by the Hyperboreans, so named because they live behind the North Wind. This island has a good climate, fertile soil, and many fruits that ripen twice a year. Latona is said to have been born here, and so the natives revere Apollo more than any other gods. They are in a way his priests, for all day long they praise him in song and do him all kinds of honors. On the island, there is a splendid grove (possessions) of Apollo and a beautiful round-shaped temple, in which many rich sacred gifts are accumulated. There is a city dedicated to the same god, most of whose inhabitants are harpists; they constantly play their harps in the temple and sing hymns to the god glorifying his deeds. The Hyperboreans speak a strange language and are attached to the Greeks, especially the Athenians and Delosians, with whom they have been friends since time immemorial. It is believed that some Greeks once visited the Hyperboreans, to whom they left sacred gifts of great value, and also, and also long ago, Abaris sailed from Hyperborea to Greece and re-established kinship with the Delosians. It is said that on this island the moon descends very low to the earth, and the various elevations and depressions are well seen on it; that Apollo visits the island once in nineteen years, as during this time the stars make a complete circle, and therefore the Greeks celebrate a cycle of nineteen years by the name of "Great Year." When the god is on the island, he plays the harp and dances every night, and this continues from the vernal equinox to the appearance of the Pleiades, who rejoice in his successes. The supreme power in the city and in the whole island is placed in the hands of men called Boreas, for they are descendants of Boreas, and power passes from one to another in a straight line." / Diodorus of Sicily /
In Tibetan and Indian mythology there is also a description of Mount Sumeru (Sumeru). It is noteworthy - in Mesopotamia lived an ancient people Sumeru, better known as Sumerians (in Sumerian the word "beloved" sounds the same as in Russian - "Lyuba").
450,000 B.C. - On Nibiru, a distant planet in the solar system of Mara, life is threatened by the destruction of the atmosphere. Ruler Alau (Alalu), overthrown by Anu, flees and finds shelter on Earth. He discovers reserves of gold on our planet that can be used to protect Nibiru's atmosphere.
"Alalu was king in heaven, Alalu sat on his throne, And even the god Anu the mighty, That the other gods surpassed, Bowing low at his feet, Standing before him like a knight in arms, And holding a cup to drink." /Poem of Reign in Heaven
440,000 B.C. - according to the Sumerian myth of Atrahasis (Atrahasis), from a mysterious planet called Nibiru, which is at the edge of our solar system and belongs to another sun, some Anunnaki arrived on Earth. According to the descriptions and statuettes of the proto-Schumer Ubayd culture, they were true reptiloids. They came in peace, saying that their distant planet was gradually losing its atmosphere, and they needed gold to preserve it. According to the myth, the white gods allowed them to mine gold on Earth. Under the guidance of Anu's son Enki, the Anunnaki landed on Earth and established Erida, their colony on Earth, intending to extract gold from the waters of the Persian Gulf.
418,000 B.C. - The project of extracting gold from the water proves ineffective, and Anu arrives on Earth with his rightful heir Enlil. The decision is made to begin mining gold from mines in South Africa. Ancient mines on earth are found. They are located in southern Africa, and according to modern scientists they are more than two hundred thousand years old. It turns out that gold was mined when, according to modern science, the Cro-Magnon race on Earth was not even in existence.
The myth also says that after 40 "balls" (40x3,600=144,000 years) an adapa, a primitive worker for mining gold, was created from a mixture of earthly "clay" and the blood of Enki, the god of the sea, with instructions from their leader Enlil. The myth of the sleeping Enki specifies that when he awoke and learned that the gods had decided to create slaves and that he was the one assigned the job, Enki replied, "...the creature that you have named already exists... give it (that is, a creature that already lives on Earth) the likeness of the gods."
The tale of Atraharsis says that 300,000 years ago the bulk of the Anunnaki were forced to leave Earth. As a result of Enlil's "curse" of the Earth, an "ice age" begins. The myth also mentions that there are 300 Anunnaki left on Earth. The Anunnaki (the biblical "Nephilim"), to Enlil's great displeasure, take earthly women as wives. Enki and Ninhursag give the throne to Shuruppak, the people born of marriages to the Anunnaki. An enraged Enlil hatches plans to destroy humanity, which ends in another "ice age.
In Indian myths, there are mentions that lizards, or naga, can take human form. In Sumero-Akkadian mythology, the Anunnaki are gods of the earth and underworld who determine human destinies.
The most famous statuette of the Ubaid culture is a humanoid lizard holding its baby and feeding it. There were other statuettes with the body of a woman and the head of a lizard. They had engraved triangles on the chest and genitals, shoulder pendants (shoulder decorations), high "hats" or wigs of bitumen on the heads, but no tails. Earlier these statuettes were exhibited in the Baghdad Museum.
During the last Iraqi war, the museum was completely destroyed. Someone is persistently searching for the ancient Sumerian city of Sippar, which contains a library of priests detailing all these events.
The myths of peoples such as the Celts, Germans, Slavs, Iranians, and Indians speak of fighting dragons or fire-breathing serpents. The Japanese, Chinese and other peoples of Southeast Asia worship dragons. They used to be sacrificed there. In British mythology, too, dragons often appear. The same can be said of the Arabs, the indigenous peoples of Africa, and the Americas. For example, the old Russian myth of the struggle of Veles with the mighty Rin and his dragon ally says that Veles defeated his enemy, ruined his "eagle's nest" in the sky, but Rin, having fallen to Earth, penetrated into the bowels of the planet and there survived. Marco Polo's records of an expedition to China in the late 1200s reveal that the royal house kept live dragons in captivity for special ceremonies. Also in the province of Harazan, dragons were hunted for meat and for medicinal purposes. Polo reported seeing these dangerous creatures himself. Herodotus, the Greek historian, and Josephus, the Jewish historian, describe flying reptiles in ancient Egypt and Arabia.
Judging from the Sumerian images, we can assume that the name Anunnaki refers to more than one kind of creature. Therefore, Anunnaki can be translated as a celestial nag.
163,030 BC. - the time of Tara, daughter of Perun. Goddess Tara visited the Earth and brought with her the seeds of sacred trees, so she is considered the patroness of sacred trees that give strength.
At that time, there were many deserts on Earth as a result of the activities of past technogenic civilizations. After the vyrvara processing of basalt rocks, huge dumps were formed, literally filled with dozens and even hundreds of meters of sand and other slags. To solve this problem, the forefathers covered these territories with a layer of clay, on which they placed marine silt. They were then sown with grasses and trees, forming a forest steppe.
151,336 B.C. - War for the Land of Dei. Dark forces captured one of Dei's two satellites, Lutetia, and were about to destroy Dei. Our forefathers used the power of special crystals to transfer Dei into the Otherworld. During the transition, space collapses, which broke Lutetia into small pieces, which later became the asteroid belt. The same collapse also deprived Mars (the land of Oreos) of its atmosphere. Lutetia had a very powerful atmosphere, so it shone brightly on the Earth's horizon in the morning and Mertsana (Venus) shone in the evening. Modern scientists claim that the total size of the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter is equal to the size of the average moon.
140,990 B.C. - The time of the Three Moons. After the demise (for our world) of Dei, its second moon Phatta was transferred to the orbit of Earth, where there were then two moons, Lela and Month.
109 B.C. 806. - the beginning of the Great Transmigration from Darius. The priests foresaw the destruction of the moon Lely and the subsequent flooding of Darius by its waters. The image of the outlines of the continent of Darius is preserved on the wall of one of the pyramids at Giza. In 1595 this map was published by Rudolf - son of Gerard Mercator. Destruction of continent and disaster have been predicted by a wise man by name Spas, therefore Slavic-Aryan peoples have started to move on the isthmus formed by Ripey Mountains (Ural) in the beginning to the area of Southern Ural, and then have settled island Buyan in the east sea (the West Siberian upland). After the 16-year crossing from Daaria to Racenia and the Flood that followed, the holiday PASKHET (an abbreviation of the letters - Pute ASY Khodashe Etim) was founded. A tradition emerged of dyeing and beating eggs against each other, which symbolized: a broken egg - the symbol of the dead moon Lelia, and a whole egg Tarh-Dazhbog. He destroyed the moon along with the Kashchei who was on it, who plotted to destroy Midgard-Earth.
"You in Midgard live peacefully, since long ago, when the world was established... Remembering from the Vedas the deeds of Dazhdbog, how he destroyed the strongholds of the Kashcheys, which were on the Nearest Moon... Tarkh did not allow the insidious Kashchei to destroy Midgard, as they destroyed Dei... These Kashchei, the rulers of the Greys, perished along with the Moon in a half-life... But Midgard paid for freedom with Daaria, hidden by the Great Flood... Waters of the Moon that Flood created, to the Earth from Heaven they fell as a rainbow, for the Moon split into parts, and by Svarozhich army descended into Midgard...". / The Sanctuaries of the Vedas of Perun
104,778 BC. - The foundation of Asgard of Irian, the current city of Omsk. Then, as the peoples of RAS settled, Asgard of Sogdia (Ashgabat) and Asgard of Svytod (Uppsala, Scandinavia) were built. Asgard of Daaria existed on the mainland.
103 773 BC. - the construction of a network of stargates on Midgard.
"In the summer of 1004 from the foundation of Asgard the Irian on the shore of the Hari Sea (Baikal) came down four Vaitmans. They brought for the construction of the temple many different marvelous stones, which they found on the moons far away near the lands of Stribog and Niyah (Saturn, Neptune). Many gifts, which the Weitmans brought in their wombs, directed to the cathedrals of Rod, creating the Capitulum of Rod in the mountains of Hari. In this Rod's Capitulum, according to God's will, there was to be a circle of many-turned places (starry gates). Using the power of the Highest vision they softened the stones of the cave and a circle of paths dug into the bowels of the cave, in the depths of the Earth constantly descending. At step (level) nine of one of the paths, a circle of multiverse was set, on which the Runes of the Black Halls were inscribed. And from step eight in a hall with a circle Vorog ways directed, but on one only it is possible to reach. The three halls lying beneath the circle held the crystals of power (energy) Midgard. "
70,000 B.C. - there was a shifting of magma around the island of Antlan, which led to its most powerful release through the volcano Toba, which was located on the east coast of the Western Continent. A gigantic mass of rock, red-hot lava, dust, ash, and gases exploded into the atmosphere. The terrible force of the explosion destroyed the eastern part of the Western Continent and the western part of Antlani. Ocean waters gushed into the huge funnel that formed and flooded it and many of the deep workings. The result was the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. However, the eastern and central parts of Antlani remain as a group of big and small islands. They formed a kind of archipelago, in the center of which was a huge island, which later in the legends of the ancient Greeks was named Poseidon, and the archipelago itself was called Atlantis.
The number 72 reflects the full cycle of development of something or half of the circle of life in 144 years. Maybe that's why there is such a panic around the Yellowstone volcano.
36,000 B.C. - There was a world war with nuclear or even plasmoid weapons between two once related powers centered at Antlani and Oriana. This war led to a cold snap, which in science is commonly referred to as the Wurm or Valdai cold snap, lasting more than 7,000 years. Behind Aryans, the whole boundless north of Eurasia and America was preserved. The surviving part of Atlanta, Mesoamerica, northwestern Africa, and the Iberian Peninsula was left to the Ants. Antarctica, after the nuclear strike, was gradually covered with ice and lost its residence status.
26,800 B.C. - the time of emergence on the shores of the Persian Gulf of the proto-Shomer civilization. There are scientific works (G.I. Pelikh) showing the identity of Sumerian and Narymian ornaments from the Middle Priobie. This civilization was designed to restrain the uncontrolled northward dispersal of migrating refugees from ancient Atlantis.
In one of the Sumerian capitals, in the city of Nippur, at the beginning of the XX century was found the so-called royal list. It says that before the Flood the Earth was ruled by eight immortal kings. They ruled for 241,200 years; Alulim for 28,800, Alalgar for 36,000, En-Menluanna for 43,000, etc.
21,800 BC. - the time of the emergence of Egyptian civilization. According to mythology their great gods came to Egypt from Ur ("ancient place"). According to Manephon, Ptah began to rule the lands along the banks of the Nile 17,900 years before Meneses. 9,000 years later Ptah gave the Egyptian possessions to his son Ra, but the latter ruled for only 1,000 years. After the division of territories (Lower and Upper Egypt), Lower Egypt was ruled by Osiris (Asar, son of Ra and Noot), Upper Egypt by Seth (son of Geb and Noot, grandson of Ra). Osiris and Seth were half-brothers from a common mother, Nut. Osiris was married to Isis (Ast), Seth to Neftis (Nebt-Hat).
During the reign of the white, blue-eyed Shemsu-Ghor kings, all three higher Egyptian estates, in fact, represented a single entity. In that era, the temples of Egypt acted as schools for all three upper classes. The fact that, in pre-dynastic times, the toilers were all literate is proved not only by the preserved ancient papyri but also by the writings on the walls of the temples. They were written not for priests and monarchs, but for all who came. For all the people.
13,500 B.C. - the time of the migration to Hindustan of some of the white people who lived on the mainland of Mu. The Danavas, descendants of the goddess Danu, established a thriving colony known to us as the Saraswati civilization.
11,008 B.C. - Beginning of the Great Cold War as a result of the war between Oriana and Atlantis and the fall to Earth of debris from the moon Phatta. A huge shard of moon landed west of the Scottish islands, causing a major tectonic movement of the crust - the Atlantic seabed rose, creating a local hiatus, which was quickly filled with liquid basalt (the Atlantic Threshold) - but the consequences were dire. The column of escaped gases generated a strong shock wave - it swept away all of Europe, North and South America, and Africa; the shock wave was so strong that while in Siberia mammoths were found intact, in Northern Canada pieces of animal corpses were frozen into the ground along with rocks and debris from trees. The shockwave was followed by wind, then rain, which quickly turned into snow and extreme frost. A column of gas and steam rose from the epicenter to a height of dozens of kilometers, lifting several cubic kilometers of water from the ocean. The gases that had a temperature of more than 900oC and a pressure of more than 3500 atm turned the ocean water into snow clouds supercooled almost to absolute zero due to a rapid adiabatic expansion. These clouds were transported by air currents over vast distances and covered a giant swath of the North Ocean coast, Siberia, Alaska, and Canada. A band of supercooled snow circled the globe several times in the Northern Hemisphere, killing virtually all mammoths. It was the jet currents that played a cruel joke on them: covered with thick wool and adapted to long hibernation, the giant grazed peacefully in the meadows on a summer day, and was instantly frozen so that after 13,000 years the contents of its stomach were preserved and the thawed meat could be eaten. Predators and humans, not deprived, like mammoths, of a food base, managed to survive: the corpses of mammoths and herbivores - wild horses, donkeys, musk oxen - are found in the permafrost of Siberia, but very rarely are the bodies of wolves, predators, and humans found. The remains of this snowfall are now frozen over vast expanses of the Russian and Canadian North in the form of a multimeter shell of permafrost. Who knows, maybe when it melts, the ancient settlements of the Aryans, half-destroyed by the hurricane, will become accessible to our eyes.
The war also affected the continent of Moo in the Pacific Ocean. Polynesian myths tell of the asteroid falling on this continent. The legends of the Maori and other Polynesian tribes describe in detail the destruction of the huge continent, and one of the Mayan codices also speaks of its sinking to the bottom of the ocean. The Mayan text even names the number of dead inhabitants, their, if we believe the codex, sixty million. The legendary Mu, or Pacifida, was sinking slowly to the bottom of the ocean. The last pieces of land of the continent sank to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean about 1600 years BC. About the migration of the ancestors from the dying continent, which was once the center of the Pacific Ocean, tell the tales of almost all Indian tribes. Only the legends of the Indians of Alaska and Northern Canada claim that their tribes came to the American continent from Siberia.
10,000 B.C. - The time of the demise of the Indian civilization of Saraswati. It is named after the now dried-up, full-flowing Saraswati River. The course of this river is well visible from space. Hundreds of beautiful cities once stood on the banks of the Saraswati. Now only ruins are left. In mythology and depictions, Saraswati appears as a young woman, as a deity, she was considered the patroness of arts and sciences, the goddess of wisdom, the creator of letters and the alphabet.
9,564 BC. - the final demise of Antlani as a result of a war that triggered the last great crustal movement. Antlani lasted for several million years, surviving a series of powerful cataclysms. The remnants of the Antlans migrated to central America and northern Africa. Due to the shifting of the crust, the main part of the Moo continent in the Pacific Ocean went underwater. The red inhabitants of continent My migrated to southeast Asia and to the expanses of both Americas. Plato, describing the society of late Atlantis in his dialogues, showed where it had fallen. He drew a clear line of change in consciousness, from the divine to the human with all its vices. This is confirmed by the priests of the Toltecs, Mayans and Aztecs, as followers of the traditions of the black magicians of Atlantis, who ripped out the hearts of their fellow tribesmen and captives by thousands, sacrificing them to the gods of the abyss.
8 100 B.C. - on one of the islands of the Caroline archipelago Pohnpei, according to the myths of Polynesia, certain twin chiefs Olosipa and Olosopa laid Nan Madol, a giant structure of two hundred and fifty million tons of basalt blocks, designed to destroy the cores of typhoons that originate in these places. At the same time as Nan Madol, three hundred kilometers to the east, on the island of Kosrae, the walls of another similar structure were built. Where did the builders get hundreds of millions of tons of basalt, no one still knows, most likely from the bottom of the ocean. According to the assumption of some researchers, each of the complexes had its own charge, which was somehow sent to the point of typhoon formation. Eventually, its electromagnetic core was destroyed, and instead of a hurricane wind, there was an ordinary downpour.
Nan Madol is an artificial archipelago with a total area of 79 hectares, consisting of 92 islands connected by a system of artificial channels. Some of the basalt beams are larger in size and mass than any of the two million blocks in the Cheops pyramid. Researchers have found that there were about 800 stone structures in all at Nan Madol: temples, palaces, obscure large structures, stone embankments including fortress walls and port buildings. The main temple was built of megalithic blocks. Around all the buildings unknown builders erected a five meter high wall of cyclopean masonry.
Now there is chaos in the ruins - giant "sticks" scattered all over the complex, which leaves the impression of destruction caused by a powerful natural disaster or the consequences of war, using very powerful weapons. Thanks to the accounts of the natives, it became known that during the occupation, the Japanese were excavating in many parts of the island, finding something and taking it away. The Japanese were able to discover a large number of sarcophagi made of pure platinum in the ground among the walls. According to some reports, the sarcophagi were empty inside, while others say the bodies of unusually tall people rested in them.
8,000 B.C. - three kindred white peoples, the Adityas, the Daitiyas, and the Danavas (Vishnu-purana), built a single giant empire on Earth. The boundaries of this empire are well traced by the ornaments on ceramics. The single ornaments in these times can be traced from the Pacific Ocean in the East to the Danube in the West; from the shores of the Arctic Ocean in the North to the Himalayas in the South. This empire extended its influence to both the Americas, the Sunda Islands, New Zealand, and Australia. The empire arose after the end of a long war between humans and lizard-heads. The Russian secret Vedas, from which many of the tales arose, speak directly of the war between the people and the serpent-heads. They tell how the Russian knights resisted the onslaught of the nagas on their lands for many hundreds of years. In the Mahabharata, the fight against the serpent-heads is shown in the form of snake sacrifice. Why such a form was adopted by the Hindus is not clear. Perhaps to conceal the truth about the war between humans and lizard-heads, in which almost all serpentoids were annihilated. How the strategy of replacing the upper class with genetically altered proxies and creating a corrupt fifth column within society allowed them to come to power in the Aryan empire is unclear. The Mahabharata already speaks of the consequences of the substitution. If you carefully study the great epic, you can come to the conclusion that the genetic Naga was the head of the Kauravas, Duryodhana. Perhaps, some of his brothers were Naga as well. Surely the dice master, Duryodhana's uncle, the infamous Shakuni, was also genetically serpentoid. The Pandava brothers are described as direct descendants of the ancient Adityas. The great Aryan empire was razed to the ground after the battle of Kurukshetra field.
In time two empires emerged in its place: in the north, the Great Tartary, or Aryan empire of the north, and in the south a federation of Aryan tribes of the south, which split up into two branches: the Iranian and the Indian.
8,000 B.C. - the Neolithic Revolution takes place, as modern science tells us, the transition from a foraging economy (gathering, hunting) to a producing one (farming, cattle-breeding). Clay pottery, spinning, weaving appeared. But the question is this: how did ancient people manage to change the gene pool of a number of wild animals and plants into domestic ones in a short time? After they had done this colossal work on the domestication of wild animals, no other mammalian species, despite all the efforts of later mankind and even the efforts of modern biological science, have been domesticated. This is an attempt to domesticate the fox, sable, mink, beaver, elk, etc. Animals are well accustomed to humans, but do not change at the genetic level. The conclusion suggests itself that the ancestors of the main species of domesticated animals were domesticated long before the Neolithic, and the first cattlemen of the Stone Age, as well as farmers, used the ready-made genetic material.
8,000 B.C. - according to Chinese mythology, the arrival in China of the first ancient civilizing ruler, Huangdi. Coming from the north, he taught the ancestors of the Chinese to breed cattle, sow rice fields, build cities and roads, and mine metal. According to legend, a ruler from the Di tribe came to China on a fiery dragon or heavenly chariot. In 1972, under the sands of the Takla Makan Desert, the mummy of a white, fair-haired woman was discovered. Behind her, scientists dug up dozens or even hundreds of mummies of fair-haired and white-skinned people of the Nordic type until 1977. When dozens of Caucasoid skulls were found in the Yangtze Basin and the southern provinces, the Chinese authorities became seriously nervous. They hastily expelled all foreign archaeologists from the country and began once again to correct their history. The Chinese even now do not deny that all the pyramids standing on their territory were not built by them.
6,000 B.C. - according to archaeological finds, the time when pure Mongoloids, not inferior in their racial characteristics to modern Buryats, lived in Central Europe, on the territory of modern Bavaria, with the signs of Mongoloidism most pronounced.
5,000 B.C. - According to the Vedic sources the city of Radegast was built, later called Retra, and became the capital of the Lutish. Apparently this is where the famous expression "you're a retrograde" came from, meaning old-fashioned.
5 508 BC. - Prince Asur of Belovod and Ahriman, ruler of Arimia (China) Created Peace in the Star Temple ( SMZH ). After this victory, the defeated Arim (Chinese) were forced to build the so-called Great Wall of China (by the way, the loopholes turned towards China) to mark and protect the borders of Rasenia (the ancient Rus state, located beyond the Ural Mountains). The wall was called Kiy Tai, which in translation from Old Slavonic means Kiy - stick, fence, Tai - top, completion. That is, "The completing, limiting fence." The symbol of the victory of Saint Rasa was the White Rider piercing the Dragon with his spear (later renamed by Christians as Saint George the Victorious). In the oldest monument of the written language of Slavs Avesta described the battle of prince Asur and Ahriman. The Avesta was written with runes on 12,000 cowhides. It was burned by Alexander the Great when it fell into his hands. A further goal of Macedonian, a Slav by blood but an enemy of the Slavs by upbringing (his teacher was Aristotle the Greek), was to conquer India to destroy the Indian Vedas. In the drawing book of Siberia, compiled by the historian and geographer of the 18th-century Remezov, next to the image of the lower Amur is written: "Tsar Alexander the Great reached this place and hid his gun and left the bell".
To this day, Chinese mythology depicts all enemies of the Chinese people as having green eyes.
5,000 B.C. - the emergence of the Harappan civilization in Hindustan. It was built by settlers from the sinking continent of Mu, the Danavas, along with descendants of the Lemurians and Dravidians. It was located in the Indus Valley, on the shores of the Indian Ocean, but its sacred city of Harappa lay several hundred miles to the north, exactly on the thirtieth parallel.
5,000 B.C. - approximate time of the heyday on the Iberian Peninsula of the Iberian state created by the Atlantean (Ditya) priests. A powerful occult center in which the black magicians preserved and transmitted their knowledge survived among the ancient Iberians until historical times. Many ancient authors, talking about the Iberian state of Tartessus, mention that the priests of Tartessus in the art of magic were not inferior to the magicians of Egypt and Mydia. Perhaps it was just the scrolls with the secret occult knowledge of the Atlanteans that were found by residents of Languedoc in the Pyrenees, where afterward at the site of their discovery was built a fortress observatory of the Cathars - Monsegur.
3,700 BC. - The arrival in Europe of a people called Tuatha De Danann in Irish mythology. The Tuatha's, or Danavas, lived on the mainland of the Pacific Ocean. When the mainland died, they migrated to northern Asia to their Aditya brothers. Since they were sea people, they settled all along the northern coast and moved far, far west. When they came to Europe, they settled in Ireland, Wales, northern France, and Gaul.
The legends of the Tuatha De Danan describe gray-eyed white blondes who were very beautiful. The women of these people were so beautiful that the Fomorians, the local population, went crazy just looking at these women.
But at the turn of 2,500 BC in Europe appears a very militant people Erbina, who settled in modern Gaul, Spain, Italy and pushed the Tuathans out of Ireland and Britain. Tuathans, according to myths, on ships go where they once came from - the territory of the Russian north. "On the northern islands of the Earth were the tribes of the goddess Danu, and there they learned wisdom, magic, Druid knowledge, spells and other mysteries, until they surpassed the skilled people from all over the world. In four cities they learned wisdom, arcane knowledge, and diabolical craftsmanship-Falias and Gorias, Murias and Findias."
3,200 B.C. - The founding of the first dynasty of pharaohs in Egypt. Its first representative was a king whose hieroglyphic name reads "Min" (Menes). He united Lower and Upper Egypt and moved the capital to a new city called Men-Nefer (Beauty of Min) - Memphis in Greek.
Before Menes, according to the Turin papyrus, Egypt was ruled by a dynasty of gods, including the names of Ptah, Ra, Geb, Osiris, Seth and Horus, then Thoth, Maat and others. On this papyrus, dating from the era of Ramses II, the names of 38 demigods who ruled Egypt are listed after the divine rulers: "the nineteen Lords of the White Wall and the nineteen Elders of the North." Between them and Menes, the Turin papyrus says, there ruled mortal kings who were patronized by Horus and who bore the title Shamsu-Ghor.
3,113 B.C. - The arrival in Mesoamerica of Quetzalcoatl, or the Winged Serpent. The first calendar, introduced by him in the territory of Mesoamerica (Long Count), begins in 3113 B.C., so this is the exact date of arrival of Quetzalcoatl to the New World. Judging from Sumerian mythology, his name, before coming to Mesoamerica, was Thoth.
3,102 B.C. - the battle between the Pandavas and the Kauravas took place on the field of Kuru. Kshetra translates from Sanskrit as "field." And Kuru is the name of the area. The Pandavas were led by the warrior Arjuna, whose charioteer was Krishna himself. According to the Mahabharata, in the battle at Kurukshetra 1,660,020,000 people died, and the survivors were 24,160. In order to do all this, it took enormous knowledge. It was essentially a fratricidal war.
According to the Mahabharata, Krishna, seeing that the war did not bring peace to the souls of men, advised the Pandav brothers to go to the North, for only there can the souls of men be saved. But some clans, or parts of clans, went to northern Mesopotamia to the banks of the Euphrates, and began to build cities there to "leave a memory of themselves. Read the biblical legend of the Tower of Babel, and you will understand what single people with a single language we are talking about. And why God decided to mix the language and scatter everyone becomes clear. And judging by further events, "the process has begun.
In 1943, on this field there was a strategic battle - the Battle of Kursk, during which the German troops lost about 500,000 people, 1,500 tanks, 3,000 guns and 3,700 planes. There are many memoirs claiming that this battle was not without what we now call mysticism.
3,102 B.C. - left Krishna, mentioned in the image of the wise warrior king in the Mahabharata, the epic of the peoples of India. The battle took place at Kurukshetra (Kuru field), in the basin of the Ganges and Yamuna rivers. Ancient Indian legends assert that these rivers correspond to modern rivers Volga and Oka. It is no coincidence that the tributaries of the Oka and the Volga have names: Yamna, Yam, Ima, Imya, Yaran, Sura, Alatyr, Lama, etc. The economist and geographer A.Vinogradov and historian S.Zharnikova claim that not only the names of the sacred krinits of Mahabharata and the rivers of Central Russia coincide, but also their relative positions. "Rig-Veda" also mentions the people of Kuru and Kurukshetra. In the center of this field, there is the city Kursk where "Story about a regiment of Igor" places Kursk - noble warriors. According to mythology, Krishna had a son, Kama, the god of love.
The Aryan Vedas, which miraculously survived in India, speak of the divine Adityas and their enemies: the demons Dityas and Danavas. Looking at the confrontation between the ancient Oriana and the country of Atlanteans, everything coincides: the Adityas may be called white blue-eyed and green-eyed Orians, the Dityas are white and fair-haired Atlanteans, and the Danavas are white black-haired aliens from outer space who once became citizens in Atlantis.
Similar tales exist among Germanic, Romance and Finnish peoples. Even the Lapps have a tale of five brothers and their sister whom the sons of an evil shaman do all sorts of intrigues. Tales on the theme of war from Mahabharata also exist among the northern peoples of Siberia. For example, the Mansi, the Khanty, and the Selkups. There are tales of five brothers and a sister and their struggle against evil relatives even among the Chukchi. Consequently, the plot of the great Aryan epic is common not only to European peoples, but also to many Asian peoples. This can hardly be explained by simple borrowing. Most likely, there was some source from which the peoples of both Europe and Asia drew the theme of their tales.
3 050 B.C. - The invasion of Egypt (el-Khibih, El-khibth) by the son of Knef. Before this, Knef himself appeared in Egypt and cursed the law and the name of Manu (Menes), and commanded that this curse be inscribed in the temple of Thebes in sacred writings. The traditions of Egypt state that "the first authority after the gods was Manu (the law); he taught people worship and bloodless sacrifice. After 52 kings, followers of Manu, came Knef...". Thus began the reign of the pontiff kings, the pyromos (pharaohs) of Egypt, whom Herodotus calls "pyromis" or "biruma," i.e., Brahmin apostates. "During the reign of Timaeus (the last rajah of the Thebes dynasty)," writes the priest Manephon, "an unknowable angry force swept into our regions from the east hordes of unknown men of low origin, but desperately brave. These foreigners broke in suddenly and took possession of everything without a fight. Kings were captured by them, cities were put to the flames, temples were destroyed, inhabitants were beaten, wives and children were taken into captivity."
Diodorus of Sicily and Herodotus say that the Ethiopians, the founders of Egypt, are distinct from the African population and are descendants of the most ancient of all peoples. Diodorus also notes that the most ancient capital of the Ethiopian region was Thebes, the city of God, after which the people also bore the name Thebians. In ancient times the Ethiopians lived on both sides of the Black (Red) Sea, and therefore the legend of Makeda (Mahadeve; hence Makedonia), queen of the Sava, is common to both the Abyssinians, descendants of the Ethiopians, and the Savings of Arabia, who were also called the inner Indians.
3,000 B.C. - the time when the cities of Babylon and Troy arose. The cities were built by princes Babylon and Trojan. Babylon is first mentioned in the legend of Sargon of Akkad. There are still rivers and villages in Russia that bear the name Babylon.
3,000 B.C. - the time of migration to the north of Asia and America of the ancestors of the Eskimos, who appeared there, as it now turns out, from the south of China. About 2000 BC, the ancestors of the Chukchi and the Yukaghirs moved north. The Tungus people also came recently - about 1200 years BC. the same can be said about the Samoyedians and the Ugro-Finns. The latter appeared in the Urals and Europe in general in historical time. As the Finnish scientists believe, in the V-VI centuries AD.
The question immediately arises: how did it happen that representatives of the Finno-Ugric and Mongoloid tribes ended up far to the north and to the west? To find it out, it is enough to turn to the folklore of these peoples. Everywhere - in all the legends and tales of the Ugro-Finns, Tunguses, and Paleo-Asians alike - it is said that their ancestors were let north by the white, blue-eyed masters of these places. They were let in out of pity, to save them from extinction and the hatred of their neighbors. In fact, these people were taken by white people under their protection.