Betterlife the diary game //04-09-2021// by:@zeeshanakram

in Steemit Nursery3 years ago (edited)

Hello friends how are you. I hope you will be fine . Alhamdulilah i am also fine with the grace of Allah Almighty. Friends i feel very happy to share my diary with you. Steemians i was very busy from last one month because here i tell you why i was busy? Friends i have applied for the government job of field officer patwari. And i was busy in the preparing of this test. Now Alhamdulilah i am a government job holder with the grace of Allah Almighty. I have cleared my all tests and i have been selected as a field officer patwari in revenue department. So again i am back on steemit with great pleasure. So today i want to share my last day which i spent in Al noor marriage hall. Assistant commissionar depalpur gave us party at Al Noor marriage hall. So lets discuss friends.



Yesterday was very lucky for me. I was very happy on this day because this day was very valuable for me. Today i was a government employee. I got up early in the morning. I do tooth brush afterthat i went in the mosque for the fajar prayer. The mosque is situated near my home. Soon i reached in the mosque i take ablution and say my fajar prayer. After that i pray to Allah Almighty to save the whole world from the 4th season of Covid-19. After that it is my habbit to pray for my parents and my brothers and also whole world. I thanks to Allah Almighty to giving me such a good government job. In the below picture me and some people are saying prayer. After that i went for a morning walk. The scene of morning walk is very nice for a healthy man.




After returning at home my father gave me hug because this was my first day as a government employee and i was going today among many more goverment employees. My father gave me my breakfast after eating breakfast i take bath and wear pant shirt.



Going to depalpur for treat.

Afterthat my friend which name is Maqbool came on his bike and he gave horn and i came in the street. He say to me lets go i say to him please 5 minute. I went back home and to my home members Allah Hafiz .


Reached at Al Noor Marriage Hall:

After sometime we reached at Al Noor Marriage Hall. The marriage hall was very big and beautiful. There were a lot of people were present in the hall. Friends here tell you 88 candidates were selected as a field officer in Tehsil depalpur. 88 candidates were present in the marriage hall. When i reached in the main gate of marriage hall my friend Hafiz Saleem well come me and take picture with me.

Afterthat i went inside the hall. The decoration and environment was very peaceful. There were many people were present in the hall. The chief guest of the ceremoney Naib Tehsildar and the President of Field Officer Mr Ch.Saqlain was also present in the ceremoney. Ch.Saqlain do speech and well come to 88 candidates and says to us to work hard in this field. We promise to him to work hard in this field.


After 30 minutes the main chief guest Assistant Commissionar and Naib Tehsildar sb came in the cereminey he also advise us

Our Assistant Commissionar says us we will give to all 88 candidates motor cycle and smart phone and also lap top. We all were happy because this was very good news for all of us. In the ceremoney suddenly i saw my college teacher Waheed Ahmad. He tells me he is also selected for this post. Then i sit with him and inquired about their health.

I also take my pictures in the hall. The song was playing in the hall. I thanks to Allah Almighty for this honour. I was feeling very proud today.

Suddenly a man gave us a form and he tells us to fill this form. This was a membership form. I reas this form and fill the form with full attention. There was written in the form today now i am a government employee and a very important part of Revenue department.

CamScanner 09-01-2021 14.38.jpg

food recipies:

Now the hosts declaired that now time is to eat something. There were many dishes were present for us. I eat food as i can eat. First of all salat was given to us then chicken ans sweet dishes and also cold drink. We eat together. The the chicken was very tasty

After the treat now we thanks to all the hosts now the duty roster was given to us.


Now the time was passing quickly. It was evening now. Now we decide to go back home. When i reached near to my home there was very dark here and there. We were crossing the bazaar i stop the bike and went to take kulfi. I take kulfi and eat the kulfi was also tasty.


Then i reached home i take bath and take rest in my room. I off the light and sleep.

Friend this was my whole day. This was very memorable day for me in the treat as a government employee. Please pray for me for my progress in the future.

Thanks to everyone for visiting my post:

I hope you will be like my diary game . Thanks to visit my post . I shall be very thankful to you for this favour and kindness.

Specially Thanks To:


Regards By:


Here is the link of my achievement No: 01


Very Well done, Congratulations for beaing selected as field Staff Officer (Patwari).

You have written a beautiful diary but missed one of the tag #thediarygame

Contact me on whatsapp or mention your discord id here.
Thank You!

 3 years ago 

Whatsapp number 03061363691

 3 years ago 

Sir @salmanwains my whatsapp number is 03061363691
Now please tell me your whatsapp number

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