in Steemit Nursery3 years ago

Good morning Everyone, Great to be here in this platform to share a very educative piece on ALCOHOL, and how it affects Your Body.



Alcohol consumption, affects our body in several ways, some of which are:

  • Destabilize the Head: Just Thirty seconds after the first sip, alcohol races into the brain. It slows down the chemicals and pathways that the brain cells use to send messages. and as such , it alters mood, slows your reflexes and throws one off balance. You may have problem thinking straight and even unable to recall things later, as you may struggle to store things long enough in your memory.

  • Sleeping Problem: Daily consumption of alcohol, slows down effect on your brain and can cause drowsiness ,as the individual may doze off more easily, but still unable to sleep well. The body processes alcohol throughout the night, and once the effects wear off,it leaves you tossing and turning. Alcohol prevents you from having that good REM sleep , you body needs to feel restored, and as such you are most likely to have nightmares and vivid dreams and you may end up waking more often to visit the toilet.

  • More Stomach Acid: Alcohol irritates the lining of your stomach and makes the digestive juices flow. Enough build up of acid and alcohol,makes you nauseated and you may end up throwing up. Constant consumption of Alcohol over the years can result to painful sores called ulcers in the stomach. and excessive levels of stomach juices mean you won't feel hungry.

  • Diarrhea & Heartburn: With constant consumption of Alcohol, your colon and small intestine gets irritated. Alcohol also throws off the normal speed that food moves through and with frequent drinking, can lead to Diarrhea. It also result to Heartburn as it relaxes the muscle that keeps acid out of the esophagus,

  • May Result to Liver Disease: The Liver breaks down almost all the alcohol you consume, as it handles a lot of toxins. Heavy drinking over time, makes the organ fatty and allows thicker and fibrous tissue to build up, and this build up, limits blood flow,as the liver cells don't get what they need to survive. Consequently as they die off, the liver get scars and stops working as well, and may result to a disease called Cirrhosis.

  • Diabetes and Pancreas Damage: Naturally, the organs produces insulin and other chemicals that helps the intestines to breakdown food, but alcohol jams that process up, as the chemicals stays inside the Pancreas. and with the toxins from alcohol, they can result to inflammation in the organ, which will invariably lead to serious damage. With time, there will be shortage of insulin needed as this probably will lead to Diabetes and the likelihood to have Pancreatic cancer.

  • Change of Body Temperature: Frequent consumption of Alcohol, widens the blood vessels,making more blood to flow to the skin,as it makes the individual blush and feel warm and toasty. However, not for long, the heat from that extra blood passes right out of your body, causing ones temperature to drop. On the other hand, long term excessive drinking increases blood pressure, as it makes your body relaxes stress hormones that narrow blood vessels, so that the heart can pump harder to push blood through.

  • weaker Immune System: The fact that we may not link a cold to a night of drinking, does not mean that there is no connection. Alcohol puts the brake on ones immune system.The body find it difficult to produce the amount of white cells needed to fight Germs. Thus, for a days drinking (24 hours), one is more likely to fall sick, and long term excessive drinkers are more likely to contrast illness like Pneumonia and Tuberculous.

Conclusively, its usually said that too much of everything is Bad. There is need for us to drastically limit our Alcohol intake, as it may affect our body as well as our health in the long run.

Thank You.

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