in Steemit Nursery3 years ago (edited)

What is faith?

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According to the holy scriptures, faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen.

Faith is also the belief with strong conviction, firm belief in something for which there may not be tangible proof. Faith is the opposite of doubt and faith can also be known as trust of confidence.

Facts about faith

  • Faith is grace, it is a supernatural gift from God
  • Faith is certain, it is convinced of what it believes in
  • Faith seeks understanding
  • Faith is necessary for salvation
  • Without faith, it is impossible to please God well
  • Genuine faith is the beginning of eternal life

Types of faith


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This is a kind of faith that is genuine, it is a faith that affects the behavior of the beholder, it is developed to withstand toughest trials and it enable one remain loyal, even at the point of death.


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This is a dangerous kind of faith because it is based on material benefits, it is a kind of faith in which one will recognize God's presence and blessings in their life but eventually their attention turns away from God. They become devoted to material riches and derive all happiness and fulfillment from them. They can even go miles to ensure the wealth is secured even if it means involving in something demonic.


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I will call this a care-free faith, this is a kind of faith exercised by individuals who refuses to go to place of worship but believes that as long as they say their prayers and do good to his neighbor, he is fine and acceptable to God. The truth about people with this faith is that they are very vulnerable to the devil's attack, they are easy preys to catch. One need to associate with his fellow faith workers inorder for encouragement to take place.


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Yes, the devil and his demons believe in the existence of God, they believe that he is the Most High, that he is the most powerful and that he deserves our worship but they fail to give that worship to him. Instead they want to be like God, they want to be worshipped which is not possible.
Demonic faith is a mere acknowledgement of the presence of God.

Now, let's move a bit to christainity, as a Christian, we need to be careful on the kind of faith we develop because at Matthew 7:21-23, there Jesus said that every tree not producing good fruits will be chopped down; what does that mean? That means that every christain not living exemplary lives, not having genuine faith will not be allowed in God's kingdom. If you are with your Bible, you will also notice what he said at that verse that "not everyone saying to me, Lord, Lord will enter into the kingdom of heaven" he also said many will say to him that Lord, did will not expel demons in your name? And perform many powerfully works in your name? He said he will reply them " Get away from me, I never knew you, you worked of lawlessness"



By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place he was to receive as an inheritance, he went although not knowing where he was going.
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By faith Abraham, when he was tested, as good as offered up Isaac, his only son because he reasoned that God was able to raise him up even from the dead.


By faith Moses, when grown up refused to be called son of Pharaoh's daughter, instead he chose to be mistreated with people of God than to have the temporary enjoyment of sin.

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By faith Moses alongside the Israelites passed through the red sea on dry land but when the Egyptian tried it, they were swallowed up.
There are many examples of men and women that showed genuine faith, the likes of Joseph, Isaac, Gideon Hannah, Ruth, Esther, Mary and many more.

Special thanks to @cryptokannon @whitestallion @focusnow @ngoenyi @bright-obias for their great works in steemit and I hope I will be supported by my heros.
Here is my Achievement 1 post as instructed by @cryptokannon for booming support.

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much for this exposition on faith, I love it

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much @favour216 for going through my post

Faith is really a powerful word thanks for enlighten us on the word faith

 3 years ago 

Its my pleasure

This is amazing. I'm a very spiritual person and when it comes to spiritual enlightenment, I tend to be very much more excited. Thanks for the deep insight on having faith and I can see my understanding of faith broaden a Little. Kind regards!!

 3 years ago 

I'm glad you love it

Faith! What a great context you have summarized in this piece. Great work on your part. Keep it up.

 3 years ago 

I'm so glad you love it boss, kindly follow and support via vote as I've done same @fredquantum

Wow this lovely and encouraging
Keep up the good work dear

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much, I'm glad you love it

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