The diary game|i share today story|for achievment 2
Assalam o alikium i hope that you all friend are well today i get up early in the morning i goo for morning walk where i do exercise in way i se beautiful flowers and plants having water droplets on their leaves and then i to my home because I am so tired then i do my break fast in breakfast i take a rice and eat chicken which is very tasty i share these picture with you i hope you like it
After doing break fast my online lecture start then i taking my online lecture and then i sleep and then it is lunch time i eat chicken which is very tasty i like photography i click beautiful picture of chicken which i eat
After eating lunch then 5 o clock me and my friend go to playing cricket we go home absolutely 7 o clock then i eat food and go to my friend we go to walk after walk ma and my friend go to home then i use cell 2 hour after 2 hour i sleep 12 o clock at night
I hope you like my post
Thanks for watching my post
Your dishes sooo yummy😋
Thanks broo
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