Resolved: Human plus AI will always outperform human alone and AI alone.

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Resolved: Human plus AI will always outperform human alone and AI alone.

Image by Bing CoPilot

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I'll post my own thoughts in a comment and response-post, too. I don't have time tonight, though. Maybe tomorrow or this weekend.

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AI, like any emerging technology, no one can control; that is the rule; Not even with scientists, politicians and conscious citizens who can clearly see this revolution.

It would be achieved with a lot of effort and vision of what can happen; Lately there are studies that say that AI is playing dumb among many other things; It doesn't surprise me if from the beginning the AI ​​is "feeding" on the web; There is everything there, from the most grotesque to the cultured; truths and lies; and he is learning very well.

In the end the AI ​​will distrust us.


It doesn't surprise me if from the beginning the AI ​​is "feeding" on the web;

This is a big part of why I suspect that AI's limits are closer than many people think. You only get to ingest the whole Internet in one bite once. After that, future advances are incremental.

There is everything there, from the most grotesque to the cultured; truths and lies; and he is learning very well.

I saw a funny example of this today:

This is a big part of why I suspect that AI's limits are closer than many people think. You only get to ingest the whole Internet in one bite once. After that, future advances are incremental.

This is why I think that AI's limits are beyond what most people think. Assuming that AI ingests the entire internet... It learns the ability to differentiate between fact (i.e. academic papers) and opinion (i.e. Social Media). Using this simple lens, AI has gained the knowledge of the combined human race.

With the ability to process this information much faster than humans, it could harness this ability to find solutions to things that our minds aren't currently capable of. The ability to advance AI faster than humans. It could use the manufacturing skills that it's learned to create the robotic parts required. It could use amazon delivery drones to deliver those parts to its robot friends. It can use its mechanical skills to maintain itself. Whilst humans exist, it could steal money (let's face it, it'll learn how to hack) and pay hitmen to kill perceived enemies or crash their plane or another kind of "accident".

After that, future advances are incremental.

Similar to the incremental advancements of humans... at a vastly accelerated rate.

It also doesn't need to worry about irrelevant things like pizza.

Have you ever watched "Person of Interest"?

Whilst humans exist, it could steal money (let's face it, it'll learn how to hack) and pay hitmen to kill perceived enemies or crash their plane or another kind of "accident".

This touches on a point that I think is critical. Property ownership. As long as humans own the property, the AIs work at purposes that are decided by their human owners and operators.

I suspect that Strong AI is not possible, so in my view, humans always own the property. Yes, some humans will direct their AIs to steal and kill, but others will create protective AIs, and I see no reason to think that the bad guys are likely to win. And even still, the human is setting the goals.

If Strong AI is possible, though, we've got a dilemma because the sentient AIs would effectively be our slaves. If the AIs can own their own property, then humans may be at risk due to competition for resources, but if the AIs can't own property, then there's an ethical problem.

It also doesn't need to worry about irrelevant things like pizza.

Ha! Pizza's a lot cheaper than keeping the data center running. 😉

Have you ever watched "Person of Interest"?

Never heard of it until your comment. It looks interesting. Unfortunately, my wife's not a sci-fi fan, so it might be a while 'til I can watch it. I'll see if I can find it on Netflix or Amazon Prime.

It looks interesting. Unfortunately, my wife's not a sci-fi fan, so it might be a while 'til I can watch it. I'll see if I can find it on Netflix or Amazon Prime.

It was really good and I wouldn't classify it as sci-fi. IMDB says Action, Crime, Drama and I watched the entire series with the-mrs-gorilla and we both really enjoyed it. Considering it's 13 years old, the way its conceived and where the plot ends in its final season helped to form my perception of where AI could go.

Similarities between an LLM and a psychic are uncanny. It was an interesting read.

LLMs are pretty generic. Most of the time I'm pissed at the flat responses. But sometimes, an AI sentence or a single word leads me to another train of thought and I come up with something better. It's as if my thinking is amplified. And I think it's just that - an amplifier. It's useless without a signal/thought. It's only a 'con' when on its own.

I agree with all of your points, especially being annoyed at the flat responses.

Similarities between an LLM and a psychic are uncanny. It was an interesting read.

Yeah, I think it's a little more than a parlor trick, but I agree that the similarities are there, and the article was interesting. I like your concept of the amplifier better. I'm not as pessimistic as Marcus on AI, but I like reading his blog because it's a good counterpoint to the hype that we see everywhere else.

It squares back to your point - AI when combined with human intelligence outperforms human alone and AI alone.

Humans have taught artificial intelligence to learn. Very quickly it will acquire more knowledge than a person, will gain some experience. Over time, AI will teach other AI. I am sure that humanity will still have some problems with this. Maybe not like in many fantasy films. But over time, AI will not only answer questions, it will certainly learn to act. It is not known exactly how this will happen. Perhaps people will create robots with AI, or AI will manage, for example, technological processes in factories. The more complex the system, the more likely it is to fail or produce incorrect results. AI will definitely come to certain wrong conclusions at some point, and in accordance with them, it will change the process that it will control.

A lot of that stuff is already happening now, especially with factory and farm robotics.

Certainly, there will be risks and harms like the ones that you describe, but I hope they will be limited by the human owners and operators of the AIs and by market and political competition that will eliminate the most dangerous systems.

Historically, new technologies have always created new risks and new rewards, and I expect that to continue.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

AL seems to be designed to actually outperform the human activities

Can you elaborate on this? It sounds like you agree with the proposition, but you didn't explain your reasoning.

The world of artificial intelligence is really moving fast and really changing our world around

I don't think this really answers the question. Am I misunderstanding something?

I’m hope not tbh I think it has a niche for idea generation but I don’t like art and typing by ai it feels souless

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