RE: [Discussion Question] Strategic Reserve for the Steem blockchain?
The crypto market might move together in fits and starts, but in the long term there are clear winners and losers. I can remember when 1 STEEM was > 14,000 Satoshis - now it's floating around 160. If we'd had a bitcoin reserve five years ago, I guess that would be different.
You might be right about stablecoins, though. A big benefit from the "Crypto Fund" might be that bridges would be built between Steem and Tron (or other chains). Those bridges could then be used by other services, too. I have no idea how any of this would be implemented, but given steem-engine, and also that they were able to link TRX to Steem rewards for a while, I guess it must be possible.
Also, it seems like the powers-that-be are already afflicted by "too good to use syndrome" with the SBDs in the DAO, I'd guess it would be even worse with a basket of other currencies.
Well, selling can't be impossible, but I would think it should require a really strong consensus ( maybe 2/3 or 3/4 of stake? ), so I'm fine with "too good to use syndrome" in this context. I'm not sure what prompts MicroStrategy to sell BTC sometimes, either, but the stakeholders would have to sort that out.
To me, the big challenge is that I don't know how you guarantee community control of tokens from other chains. I guess wrapping the tokens in a STEEM L2 token of some sort and controlling it with multikey would be the most likely solution... Or we go back to the Smart contract post from Dan. I never really understood the mechanics there, though (maybe 'cause I know nothing about "boost"?).