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Dear Oasis Master,
this is your Admin speaking...
I have a suggestion concerning the rule "Beneficiary Requirement".
Please change it to
@null must be set as a beneficiary with a MINIMUM of 90%
@null must be set to 80% while @du-finanzbot must be set to 20%
The second case has a lot, lot advantages.
Your sister @hive-146118 would be 5% happy, the commentators would be 5% happy, the developer @moecki, who created DUBby, would be very happy (without a reward background) and the curators anyway.
I will explain more if you give me a sign that you have not understood the German DUBby instructions.
Nice comment!
You got a trailvote from me!
I hoped that you'd find this community. You belong here.
With DUBy, what happens if the author doesn't finanzebot any of the comments? Or doesn't finanzebot them up to 100% (or 20% if they set a 20% beneficiary)? Does finanzebot keep them?
DUBby keeps the SP-rewards and whatever he does not pay out because the author missed telling him to do so.
If @du-finanzbot is set to 20%, @deutschunplugged votes automatically.
The 20% are the new 100% for DUBby's calculation.
Example: 1 STEEM to share, 3 commenters
c1 shares great thoughts - !finanzbot 50% (0,5 Steem)
c2 comment is blabla, but I want to share - !finanzbot 25% (0,25 Steem)
c3 was to get another 25% but he became an a... and I want him to know - !finanzbot 1%
DUBby keeps the rest of 0,24 STEEM.
I think this sounds like a most splendid idea ๐
Fine. Gonna spread it...
Vielleicht hรคtten wir fรผr die internationale Verwendung als Befehlswort besser
nehmen sollen, anstatt!finanzbot
.Oder vielleicht beides...
Im Laufe einer modernen, kontinuierlichen Weiterentwicklung dรผrfte dieser Plan nicht zu spรคt sein... ;-)
Und - ja, leider - wohl auch nรถtig, wenn man sich so die "Orthographie" eines interessierten Admins anschaut... :-))
Genau deswegen ๐
Ich Verstehe Nichts. Bitte Sie Fur Me Die Changen Machen?
I promised "tomorrow", but three days later I still can't manage the explanation. I'll just do it in my next Oasis post. After all, I'm an admin - nobody can do anything to me... ๐
#burnsteem90club #clubdubby20null80
...if you like them and finally give me the keys.