Today sunset photography @haseeb.asif.khan
Today sunset photography @haseeb.asif.khan
Today I photographed sunset. We were getting the wheat crop and it was evening time. I saw that the sun was about to set. I saved these moments of sunset in my mobile. I love to photograph sunset and sunrise. I often do sunset photography. We learn a lot from the setting of the sun. The sun sets every day, so every day man is one day closer to death and one day away from life. Every human being should learn a lesson from the setting of the sun. And try to spend your life in good deeds. Life is too short for us to appreciate it.
There are lessons to be learned from the setting of the sun
I find the sunset scene very instructive. We work all day and don't know why we forget Allah. Somewhere we are just running and running, which the sun keeps working all day. We are also the sun. Every day it sets. Seeing it set, I think that one day my life will also set like a sun. So the heart trembles that there is no question from the sun but the place where I have to rise after drowning will be my past life and I will have the result card in my hand. In this race, I should not forget my origin, that is all I am afraid of. And the sun, as it sets, reminds me that look, the one I am sinking in today, one day you too must sink. And I will come back but the difference is that you will have no way back.