it’s happening people!! businesses are starting to value decentralized, sound money ...

in APPICS4 years ago

... over fiat. Now you can buy a nice Italian dinner for one litecoin. or take the family out for one ETH. but I suspect soon when ltc is trading at 1000 or more we will look back on this post and laugh ( or cry😢). But it HAS started. Here’s my future prediction: with atomic swap technology being built into hot wallets, I see people swapping their tokens as needed to use them as currency wherever they are accepted as medium of exchange. There will only ever be 1 billion APx tokens people!! And it’s poised to be the dominant social media app in the crypto space. Question: will you trade your APX tokens for a pizza? what are they worth to you? please comment below. I want your opinion on this.


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Cryptocurrency is the only shot gen Z and all generations have at building sustainable wealth !

Nope! But I'd definitely trade maybe 1 APX for a new iphone somewhere in the future! That would be great 🙇🏻

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