After 7 years of hard work from the day the Daily Bread Food Bank was founded, we ...
... finally see the fruition of our efforts noticed by the media at such a time like this. Our resources have been depleting since the pandemic due to more supports given out to families who lost their income; and we are truly grateful for this coverage where we can share even more stories that not only food banks across the Klang Valley of Malaysia starting to collaborate further with one another, food and beverage corporation activated CSR projects not only supported the under privileged, but also the front liners who risk their lives daily exposed to possible infection to COVID-19 while still keeping others safe.
Stay tuned to our newsletter at @gtpjfoodbank as we will have a longer coverage there later with all collected photos and do keep us in prayer, that God will continue to protect each and every volunteer while He continue to open doors for us to work with many others.
We are truly excited to witness the journey of the Daily Bread Food Bank through your stories shared here on this chain.
Looking forward to see more of it!