The Cerro Mandango in Ecuador has the face of a god. The Incas believed that the ...
... world was built many years ago by a race of giants that inhabited the earth and that these mythological beings shaped the earth at will, decorated it with animals, rivers and everything that resides in it. When the giants finished their work, tired from the effort made, they turned into mountains to rest eternally and observe their work with privilege, as god apparently did.
Welcome to appics old friend, good to have you here 🦊🔥🌞
Hahaha Parle bien que nous ne sommes pas si vieux! Ja
100%! Welcome on board.
Thank you, man! I like your landscapes.
Thank you 🙏 I'll stay tuned for more stories about ancient cultures of South America.
That is wonderful! Ecuador has several stories in each part of its little territory
Your people have a rich and fascinating history.
Welcome to appics! 😎🤙
Thank you, body!
Bienvenido Dave
Oh! Muchas gracias. Qué gusto verte de nuevo :D
Welcome to the family🙋
Thank U! This project is fantastic. Keep going!
welcome to appics
Thank U! Appics is power!
Bienvenido a APPICS ✨