[kr-dessert] Chocolate for Happy Valentines’ day. got from the Paradise Boutique, ...

in APPICS4 years ago

... which is one of the most famous cakeshops in Busan. 파라다이스호텔에서 온 초콜렛. 볼링공처럼 생긴 초콜렛이 사실 하나 하나 의미와 심볼이 적혀있더라구요. 각 초콜렛은 1-12월과 간단한 의미가 있고 맛도 조금씩 달랐음. 어쨌든 맛있는걸로,


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안녕하세요 cancerdoctor님

랜덤 보팅 당첨 되셨어요!!

보팅하고 갈께요~

좋은 하루 보내세요!!


Mmmm looks so blissfullicious 😋

they look like pretty marbles ❤
i het they're super yummy

yummy yummy :0

Please vote my contant i am new here

Chocolate cake is my favourite

Looks absolutely amazing!

haha yeah it was nice

맛있으면 좋은걸로 ๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑

Amazing. In Busan? Tha famous city

yeah. actually, i live in busan right now :)

Thats good for the brain

haha. brain boosting!

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