SEC - S9W5: "The Internet, my best ally"

Hello steemian friends,
I'm @wasa2020 from Nigeria.
I'm so delighted today to share my entry in this week's contest challenge in this community today with the title "The Internet, my best ally".

Background Image from main contest

Before I will present my entry, I will like to invite @vickyson, @josepha, @ruthjoe, and @yakspeace to also join the contest in this wonderful community. I wish everyone luck in the contest.

What activities do you do online?

At the moment, the only activities I do online is writing articles on the steemit platform and also doing some school assignment. Before this time, I had nothing much to do online as I can even stay a whole week without logging into my Facebook account.

When I got admission and also joined the steemit platform, everything changed for the better. Today I try to be online almost every minute or second of the day because of the post I have to make on the steemit platform and also the assignment I usually research to write on.

Since what age did you start using the Internet? How much do you use it every day?

I started using the internet at the age of 17. This is when I opened my Facebook account. Since I don't have a phone, I usually borrow so therefore, so I use it only when I have access to phones.

I became a full user of the Internet in the past few years when I got admission into the university because at that time, I got my phone and I also make some research when assignments or any topic which is not too clear is been taught here in the school.

Do you have the internet at home, how much does the service cost (please indicate the price in local currency and in Steem).

Yes, I have the internet at home and I have been using it for a long time. Since I have my smartphone I usually subscribe to at least a data of about 1GB for a week. This subscription cost NGN 500 which is equivalent to about 3.5 steem.

Why do you think the internet can be harmful?

The internet is a place of learning and it is also a place that can be harmful as well. I said it is harmful because through the internet today, a lot of negative information has been transferred or shared among people.

Via the internet, people have learned about robbery, prostitution, and many other negative things. As of today, we have seen people exposing their body parties just to get more followers.

What benefits has the internet brought to your life?

The internet has brought many benefits to my life and one of which is learning and earning from the steemit platform. As of today, I have been able to learn a lot of things and also earn good money.

I have been able to pay a few bills too via the process of writing. I have also learned a lot of things like the use of the Grammarly tool and the application of markdown.


When I got admission and also joined the steemit platform, everything changed for the better.

Saya pikir, saya juga merasakan hal ini. Senang bisa membaca opini anda!


Son múltiples alas actividades que el internet nos permite realizar, ud comenzó a usarlo a temprana edad y por lo que describe, le das el mejor uso posible. Que bueno que posees servicio de internet y por lo visto, mu económico. Saludos y éxitos!

 last year 

Hola amigo 👋

Que bueno que tu actividad principal sea realizar post en steemit, es indispensable tener internet en casa que bueno que cuentes con el servicio.

Éxitos en el concurso 🤗


Solo estudias y creas contenido para Steemit, a través de internet, pero conoces todo los beneficios que te brinda el internet porque lo conociste desde las 17 años.

Es cierto que el internet ha Influenciado mucho a las personas, al puntos de llevarlos a cometer actos indebidos como el robo y otras cosas mucho peores, lo importante es que sepamos usarlo para nuestro beneficio con actividades que nos gusten .

Gran trabajo

 last year 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

Me alegra saber que le das un uso adecuado y pertinente al Internet, siendo esta una gran ventaja que tienes porque, de esa manera garantizas que la experiencia que vas a tener cada vez que accedes a la herramienta, es la adecuada.

Particularmente también empleo el Internet para los estudios y trabajo. ¡Claro! También para fines de entretenimiento pero, en primera instancia lo hago con los motivos beneficiosos para mi entorno laboral y académico.

Un buen uso del Internet, sin duda es el mejor camino para lograr que no se convierta en algo perjudicial y, me queda claro de que usted lo está haciendo como debe ser.

Un fuerte abrazo amigo💚

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