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RE: BLACK & WHITE STORIES - Not Black or White

they had ducks over there and I wanted to play with them

Imagine coming back from another dimension where he was almost tortured to death by Commander @arnoldog25, only to return back as a complete boy… instead of him to be very happy he came back in one piece, he is thinking of playing with ducks?? I think he needs another round of torturing..


Does he? He went back to the past and was a child. Intact not castrated yet. If you ask me that is a wise choice and better than being the castrated toy of Emperor Nero.

A child deserves to be a child, to play and be happy.
Are you beat up little children?
Sorry, but right now I am very disappointed in you.

Hahaha 🤣

don’t be disappointed in me alone!! Also add Arnoldog25… he did the torturing, I was merely a messenger in the story!!


I already told him I do not appreciate comments from child abusers.

Jajaja porque tan cruel, pero si es asi démosle otro poco de tortura para que no piense mas en jugar.



Lo siento, ¡pero no me gusta recibir comentarios de pederastas!

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