Meditating on Verses: Gospels: John 1:1-6

in RECREATIVE STEEM10 months ago


Growing up as a child, we loved reciting verses in the Bible. And one of the popular verses we loved to recite was John chapter 1. This Bible verse is poetic and is eye opening to those who want to understand more about Jesus Christ.
John chapter 1:1-6 says:

In the beginning the Word already existed, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were created; Without it, nothing created came into existence. In him was life and life was the light of humanity. This light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not been able to extinguish it.

Who is credited with the literary authorship of the Chosen Gospel?

The book of John is credited to John the Apostle who is believed to have written other books of the scriptures. Same John wrote the book of Revelation and 1st, 2nd and third John in the new testament. This writer was the son of Zebedee and was called by Jesus to be a disciple. His writing style is poetic and he loves centering on the Love of God for his people. What stands out in his writing is how he introduced Jesus Christ to the World as The Word.

What is the central theme of the chosen text?


John the Apostle who read and understood the scriptures, wrote a detailed message that helped to explain what the old Testament said.
The central theme of this scripture identifies Jesus as the word.

In the beginning was the word: Genesis chapter 1:1 starts with God being the beginning. God was the beginning, And he created the Heavens and the earth. But here is the book of John saying the beginning was the word.

The word was with God: This sentence tries to make us understand the Word and God were in the beginning.

The Word was God: This is the line that revealed everything. It tried to tell us that The word was God. That means that the word and God are one. They are unified, no difference between them. If you receive the word, you have received God.

The adjoining verses says that all things were made by Him....John the Apostle now likened the word as a person. So if the word was with God and was God. Then that means Jesus is one with God. In a more understanding way, Jesus is God.

The verse continued to ascribe that Jesus who is God is life that gives light to men.
The central theme of this verse introduced Jesus as the Word that was with God, and who was God.

Is it a synoptic gospel? If so: In what other gospel do the same verses appear?

This Bible verse doesn't appear in any of the three other gospels. Only the Gospel of John introduces Jesus as the word.

Are there any prophecies in the Old Testament that relate to this selected text?


The old Testament made a lot of entries about Jesus being the Word, the Wisdom, but it takes the new testament to shed more light on it. The Gospel of John reveals the message in the book of Proverbs chapter 8 and also the book of psalm chapter 33.

Proverbs 8:1-35: This scripture talks about wisdom, but if you align it with the book of John chapter 1, you will get to see that it was revealing Jesus Christ. From verse 23 says; I was set up from Everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was. Same thing that is written in the book of John; In the beginning was the word.
Verse 30 of proverbs still says: Then I was by him, as one brought up with him. John the Apostle used this prophecy of wisdom to describe Jesus Christ as The Word that was with God from everlasting.

Psalm 33:6 says; By the word of the Lord were the heavens made...This is still what is written in the book of John, 'without him there was nothing that was made'.

This two verses are in the old testament and spike about Jesus Christ being The Word.

Paraphrasing the book of John chapter 1:

In the beginning was Jesus, Jesus was with God, and Jesus was God. All things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life and the life was the light of men. The light shines into darkness and it comprehends it not.

A practical part of this verse is that When we decide to receive and listen to Jesus then we will have a full understanding of who God is. God is loving, and wants us to be with him.

When we receive the word, we receive God.

Thanks for going through my post on Meditating the Scriptures

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Hello my dear brother @johnmitchel, I see that you are very confused when you analyze these verses of the Gospel of John; since what it means is the following:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

This means that the "Word" is the human spirit and the human spirit already existed because it was part (and still is) of our Universal Creator Father and the sum of all the spirits were part of the Creator.

This is because our Creator Father emits from himself the families of spirits (2 billion "individualized" spirits forming number for example) when the creation requires it and those 2 billion spirits in spite of being individualized are still part of that Universal Creator.

He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were created; without him, nothing created came into existence.

When it is said: "He was with God in the beginning", "He" refers to the human spirit and by saying that He was with God in the beginning it means that the human spirit has always been (even before creation) part of the Universal Creator.

When it is said: through him all things were created; without him nothing of the created came into existence", it means that the human spirit is the executor arm of the Universal Creator and through the spirit all things were created from the Ether (thought of the Universal Creator) and therefore without the spirit nothing of the created would exist, because the human spirit fulfills the mandate of his Father to demonstrate the Creator, that is to demonstrate life, in variety, in forms, in heat, light and movement.

Hola mi apreciado hermano @johnmitchel, veo que estás muy confundido cuando analisas estos versos del evagelio de Juan; ya que lo que siginifica es lo siguiente:

En el principio ya existía el Verbo, y el Verbo estaba con Dios, y el Verbo era Dios.

Esto significa que el "Verbo" es el espiritu humano y el espiritu humano ya existía pues formaba parte ( y aún lo forma) de nuestro Padre Creador Universal y la sumatoria de todos los espíritus eran parte mismo del Creador.

Esto es porque nuestro Padre Creador emite de sí mismo las familias de espíritus ( 2 billones de espíritus "individualizados" formando número por ejemplo) cuando la creación así lo requiere y esos 2 billones de espíritus a pesar de estar individualizados sieguen siendo parte de ese Creador Universal.

Él estaba con Dios en el principio. Por medio de él todas las cosas fueron creadas; sin él, nada de lo creado llegó a existir
Cuando se dice: "Él estaba con Dios en el principio", "Él" se riefiere al espíritu humano y al decir que Él estaba con Dios en el principio significa que el espíritu humano ha estado siempre (incluso antes de la creación ) formando parte del Creador Universal.

Cuando se dice: por medio de él todas las cosas fueron creadas; sin él, nada de lo creado llegó a existir", significa que el espíritu humano es el brazo ejecutor del Creador Universal y por medio del espíritu fueron creadas todas las cosas a partir del ÉTER (pensamiento del Creador Univesal) y por lo tanto sin el espíritu nada de lo creado existiera, porque el espíritu humano cumple el mandato de su Padre de demostrar al Creador, es decir de demostrar la vida, en la variedad, en las formas, en el calor, la luz y en el movimiento.

Just one question...

'The Word was with God'....

You are saying the Human spirit is the word...

So are you trying to say that the Human spirit is God?

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The human spirit is an inifinitesimal part of our Universal Creator Father.

In addition to human spirits, there are natural spirits and elemental spirits, which like the human spirits are also part of our Universal Creator Father, but are directed by human Master Spirits of Creation.

El espíritu humano es una parte inifinitesimal de nuestro Padre Creador Universal.

Además de los espíritus humanos, existen los espíritus naturales y los espíritus elementales, los cuales al igual que los espíritus hmanos también son parte de nuestro Padre Creador Universal, pero son dirigidos por espiritus humanos Maestros de la Creación.


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 10 months ago 

Hola, @johnmitchel.

Una enseñanza bíblica que nos recuerda que Dios es el principio de todo, es Jesús hecho hombre y muriendo por nuestros pecados. Es el creador de todas las cosas y el artífice de nuestras vidas.

Ha realizado muy buena sinopsis de este pasaje bíblico, escudriñando otros libros del AT en el que se habla de este tema.

¡Gracias por unirse a esta actividad!

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 9 months ago 

ufff! buenísimo! no podría esperar menos de mi estimado hermano @johnmitchel quien ha hecho una impecable exégesis del texto de Juan 1:1-6. uno de los textos Cristocéntricos más polémicos de los evangelios.

Has hecho una meditación estupenda, esgrimiendo con destreza y trazando correctamente las Sagradas Escrituras; como debe ser.
Totalmente de acuerdo con vos.

En estas líneas está implícito el plan de Salvación para la humanidad

Una parte práctica de este versículo es que cuando decidimos recibir y escuchar a Jesús, tendremos una comprensión completa de quién es Dios. Dios es amoroso y quiere que estemos con él.

Cuando recibimos la palabra, recibimos a Dios.

Gracias por tu maravillosa participación!

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