The benefits of pomegranate are huge
Pomegranate is a fruit tree that can grow up to 5–8 m.
Pomegranate if in Aceh is called Glima..
Pomegranate comes from the Middle East, spread in subtropical to tropical areas, from the lowlands to below 1,000 m above sea level. This plant likes loose soil that is not submerged in water, with groundwater that is not deep. Pomegranate is often grown in gardens as an ornamental plant, medicinal plant, or because the fruit is edible. In the form of shrubs or small trees with a height of 2-5 m. Wooden stems, angular twigs, many branches, weak, thorny in the axillary, brown when young, and dirty green when old. Single leaf, short-stemmed, located in groups. Leaf blade oval to lanceolate, base pointed, blunt tip, flat edge, pinnate, glossy surface, 1--9 cm long, 0.5-2.5 cm wide, green color. Single flower with short stem, appearing at the end of a twig or in the armpit of the top leaf. Usually, there are one to five flowers, the colors are red, white, or purple. Flowering all year round. The fruit is a buni fruit, round in shape with a diameter of 5--12 cm, the skin color varies, such as purplish green, white, reddish brown, or blackish purple. Sometimes, there are slightly raised patches of darker color. The seeds are many, small, elliptical in shape, slightly flattened, hard, irregularly arranged, red, pink, or white in color. There are three kinds of pomegranate, namely white pomegranate, red pomegranate, and purple pomegranate. Propagation by cuttings, root shoots or grafts.
120 grams (g) of water
128 calories
2.57 g of protein
1.8 g of total fat
28.8 g carbohydrates
6.16 g of fiber
21.1 g total sugar
15.4 milligrams (mg) of calcium
18.5 mg magnesium
55.4 g phosphorus
363 mg of potassium
15.7 mg of vitamin C
58.5 micrograms (mcg) of folate or vitamin B9
- Helps maintain weight.
One benefit of pomegranate that is quite popular is weight loss. This is not entirely true. Regular consumption of pomegranate does not automatically make you thin in an instant. After all, there hasn't been a lot of research showing the effectiveness of pomegranate on weight loss.
However, you can make pomegranate into your daily diet. Because it contains filling fiber, pomegranate may help maintain weight. That way, you eat less and, in turn, lose weight.
- Maintain heart health.
Pomegranate is believed to help lower cholesterol levels in the blood, which in turn reduces the risk of heart disease.
If you are at risk of suffering from coronary heart disease, try to consume pomegranate juice. A study shows that consuming at least 200 ml of pomegranate juice every day for 3 months, can reduce symptoms of ischemia due to narrowing of the heart arteries.
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