Good day to everybody in this great community and I also want to thank you all for taking out time to go through this blog. I hope you have a good time as you go through this post as well.

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Today, am talking about cocoyam and I believe you will learn something from it as well.
Let me start by saying that cocoyam is a perennial and tropical crop or plant. It belongs to the family of Araceae, and it botanical name is Colocasia esculenta.
Cocoyam is made of carbohydrates and it is made up of three different part; the stem, leaves and corm. Which is grown for it edible roots.
Cocoyam is not just an edible plant but is also use medicinal purposes and can be cultivated as an ornamental plant.
This plant can be seen in most developing countries in Africa, Singapore and India as well.
This African delicacy can be eaten as; boiled, roasted, fried into chips and mostly cooked as porridge.
It is also use as thickener when pounded in some local soups like White soup and peeper soup as well.
Nothing of this plant is left useless even it leaves are made of protein and in some cases used as vegetables.
Cocoyam is very nutritional as it is a good source of protein, carbohydrates and dietary fiber.
It is also made up of copper, thiamin, vitamin B6, Vitamin C, iron, zinc and potassium to mention but a few.
On the other hand, cocoyam is very vital in maintaining a healthy immune system.
Cocoyam is very high of in calories and can cause obesity if consumed excessively. So it must be cooked properly before consumption.
And thank you once again for taking out your precious time to read through this post and I believe you have learnt something as well.
Do have a lovely day as well!