The diary game for 17/06/2024 // Today, my son went to the Eidgah for the first time with his father

in Steem of Animals21 days ago

Assalamu Alaikum

Today is the holy Eid al-Adha. So I woke up early in the morning. I woke up and cleaned the outside of the room. Then we got papaya on our papaya tree. I brought papaya. Jackfruit has ripened on our jackfruit tree. I brought it to Popper. Then I made breakfast. I fed my children and my husband. Then I let the children get ready. Today my son will go to the first Eidgah field to pray with his father. In the morning they went to pray. Then I let the pet goat eat at home. I saw a dog sitting far away. Then I came to the kitchen saying that I will cook at noon.




It was almost 12 o'clock after lunch. By that time my husband and my son came. They bought a toy ball for my daughter when they arrived. I came home after cooking. I came home and saw that my room looks good after installing the snail lamp. In the afternoon I got fresh and let everyone eat. I took some rest after eating.


Then in the afternoon I went to my betel nut garden. Our land looks very beautiful from the betel nut garden. Because the surroundings of our house are very open. I planted some kachu trees in the betel nut garden. I saw that it has grown a lot. I came home in the evening.


After evening, some relatives came to the house, I gave them food. I talked with them for a long time. Then I said goodbye to them and ate my dinner together. After finishing dinner I saw a spider in the kitchen. Then I put the kids to sleep. Body felt very tired today so I fell asleep early.


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