Animal-Photography || The beautiful mictini insect

in Steem of Animals2 months ago


Hello everyone, Today I want to share an interesting story about a small discovery in the woods behind the house, while exploring the trees and bushes I found a unique insect from the mictini family, this insect has a striking body shape and is full of uniqueness, as if nature had carefully designed it to be part of the magic perfect forest.

Mictini insects are known as one of the species of "aphids" with their characteristic strong body and body color that resembles the color of dry leaves in the environment around the insect. nicknamed "leaf-footed insects", I almost didn't notice the existence of these insects because at first glance they looked like dry leaves, with full accuracy I found them in large numbers.

I crouched down to observe more closely so I could notice the impressive details, the insects were still without moving much and they were definitely aware of my presence, the wings that covered their bodies were very neat like a masterpiece of natural art, the color was predominantly brown mixed with gray and this color made it easier for the insects to to blend into their habitat, their long and strong hind legs seem ready to jump at any time, especially when they feel threatened, but today he prefers to stay where he is, perhaps he really believes in his camouflage abilities.

This moment of course made me realize how extraordinary the ability of adaptation that mictini insects have in facing natural challenges, they are not only limited to surviving by disguising themselves from predators, but also become a symbol of balance and harmony in the ecosystem, every detail on their bodies reflects how important the role of every creature is, no matter how small they definitely have their own role and uniqueness.

Come on, take a peek at the mictini insects that I have immortalized for you ☺️













How do you feel after seeing them up close? Have you now got the inspiration to do a little exploration in the forest near your house? I think you need to explore around you to find the hidden wonders.

Thank you for reading & see you in the next insect post, thank you again & have a nice day ☺️

CC @steemcurator01 @steemcurator02 @muzack1 @wakeupkitty

 2 months ago 

I like the photos you took. Do you use a camera or your mobile phone? I live on the countryside so I see those minuscules daily and during the winter they try to survive inside (in the closets between the clothes).
They are not soo minuscule though and with too many (hundreds) if asleep they can drop on our head which makes my youngest scream.

If you like to show some photography at a different place and share how you made those magnific macro shoots we love to hear it in Art & Artists (hive-@120695).

Thanks for sharing your photos with me. It's appreciated.

P.s. I believe it's not appreciated to tag the SCs.

 2 months ago 

I use mobile phone honey, Thank you very much for your great comments, and I will share some photos in your community ☺️

 2 months ago (edited)

Hai bro. Terimakasih telah berkontribusi di komunitas Steem of Animals.

Tolong jangan tag sc01 Dan sc02 di postingan anda.

 2 months ago 

Yep terimakasih bro infonya, maaf gak tau 🙏

 2 months ago 

Ngomong" cara mendapatkan vote di komunitas ini gimana ya pak? Saya sudah mempublikasikan sekitar 10 post kalau tidak salah dan satu mendapatkan vote dari booming, apa ada syarat tertentu untuk mendapatkan vote?

 2 months ago (edited)

Vote yang gimana yang anda maksud ? Kami sebagai pengelola komunitas sudah mendukung anda melalui akun kami sendiri dan juga akun komunitas. Itu yang bisa kami lakukan. Sementara vote lainnya itu bukan wewenang kami. Sementara untuk dukungan booming. Kami memiliki batasan maximal setiap harinya. Mungkin kami hanya bisa mengajukan satu postingan perpengguna setiap minggunya.

Selain masalah tersebut. Voting CSI juga menjadi perhatian kami.

Screenshot - 2025-01-10T104653.379.png

Lihatlah disini. Anda sama sekali tidak menunjukkan keterlibatan dengan pengguna lain. Jika anda ingin mendapatkan dukungan orang lain. Dukunglah lebih banyak pengguna lain. jangan manfaatkan power anda untuk mendukung diri sendiri.

 2 months ago 

Terimakasih banyak untuk responnya, berharap pertanyaan saya tidak menyinggung siapapun dan salah di pahami, berhubung saya sudah lama tidak aktif di steemit jadi mungkin saya melewatkan banyak informasi dan aturan tertentu yang berhubungan dengan vote.

Di masa lalu ketika kami aktif menulis diary game dan syarat yang harus kami penuhi adalah "Photo original milik sendiri, photo bebas hak cipta (sebutkan sumber) dan tulisan minimal 250 kata, dan pada saat itu sudah di anggap memenuhi syarat untuk mendapatkan vote dari @anroja melalui akun kurasi sc08 kalau tidak salah.

Nah sekarang kita di komunitas steem of animal yang aktif berbagi serangga dan hewan peliharaan, dan beruntungnya salah satu admin di sini adalah kurator, jadi pertanyaan saya adalah apakah mungkin untuk di berikan upvote seperti kasus diary game di masa lalu atau ada aturan tertentu yang harus di penuhi saat ini?

Dan yang paling unik adalah, bagaimana mungkin postingan diary game dan non animal bisa mendapatkan vote di sini melalui akun sc09 sementara postingan yang 💯 tentang animal tidak mendapatkan perhatian? Ini membuat saya bertanya-tanya!

Tentang voting saya, perlu di pahami bahwa power 200 tidak memberikan hasil apapun, meskipun saya berikan vote secara rutin setiap hari kepada penulis itu tidak menghasilkan apapun, di sisi lainnya untuk mudah di pahami adalah voting saya seperti kentut (angin doang kagak ada isi).

Mohon maaf tolong jangan tersinggung, saya di sini hanya bertanya "Tentang bagaimana cara mendapatkan vote dan jenis aturan apa saja yang harus kami penuhi?"

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.


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