contest: SEC - S18W3 : Activist Journal(My personal life.)

in Steem of Animals29 days ago
Hello 👋 Steem of Animals I am well by the grace of Allah and I hope all my members are also well

Today I am going to participate in this community @Steem of Animals and this is my first post in this community. I hope everyone will read my post and support me.

  • The theme of the contest: SEC - S18W3 :Activist Journal (My personal life). This contest organised by @steem.ofanimals.
I would like to invite to partake in this contest @josepha @crismenia @aviral123
  • I have been married for six years now, I enjoy moments of laughter and happiness, sometimes sad and sometimes happy.Endured all kinds of difficulties in life but today was very painful for me,Because today my husband had gone to Saudi Arabia, I kept my eyes fixed on his face and looked at him with such surprised eyes as he was walking away from me.

I couldn't bear it, tears came to my eyes, when my show looked at me, it came to me and said, "Don't worry, I'll be back soon."They gave me courage and encouraged me to cook for them their favorite food.

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He was very happy to see his favorite food, we all ate together, all the family members were happy and sad, but still went to drop him at the airport.His flight was 2:20 minutes, as soon as he arrived in Saudi Arabia, he informed me that he had reached Saudi Arabia safely.

As few hours passed I noticed a change in his behavior and that change was such that it changed my entire life.My husband divorced me and I have a son 😭.This person neither thought about me nor about my son, he ruined my whole life.I bore this dire situation with great difficulty just thinking that life is a struggle.All people know that a woman needs the support of a man to live in society.

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  • But unfortunately that support was taken away from me. I am now a strong woman and work day and night to give my son all the happiness he deserves.I can't make up for the lack of a father but I still love him very much.


I want to make the future of my son good so that he can face the upcoming situations and prove to be a good person in the society who considers the pain of others as his own pain.And qualities like feeling are present in him so that he doesn't ruin someone's life like his father ruined my life. This is my story today.

 28 days ago 
Hola amiga, lamento mucho el divorcio. Espero tengas la fortaleza para salir adelante en compañía de tu hijo, es un niño muy hermoso.

Thanks my dear 💓

 29 days ago 

Salam @mona01 ! I felt really sorry for you. Its heartbreaking to see your cute son. But be strong and believe on Allah. Good luck to you dear

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post and give such a good wish❤️

 29 days ago 


 29 days ago 

Hola amiga, es lamentable cuando a una familia llega la separación por un divorcio y sobre todo cuando hay un niño de por medio.
Te ha tocado vivir un momento muy duro pero debes salir adelante por tu hijo.
Las situaciones de este tipo ha veces se dan pero más adelante se suscitan otras que te compensaran tanto dolor.
Te animo a seguir adelante y a confiar en que la vida te dará a su hora un buen presente.
Suerte en el concurso.

 29 days ago 

I do not know the language to comfort you in such a difficult moment. I am very saddened to hear such news from you. You are going through a tough time now and you will have tougher times ahead. Many prayers for you and your child. You will pull yourself through this tough time. Blessings and best wishes to you sister.


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 28 days ago 

Very sad to read your post and what happened to your marriage.

You have to stay strong for your child, and prove that you can live better without that man.

keep your spirits up and keep fighting dear, be healthy and happy with your child.

It was a very pleasant day, I saw there were several menus on the dining table 😁, Is that lychee... It must be a very delicious breakfast menu hehehe, Nice to meet you, friend, I wish you success and happiness 💕

 27 days ago 

You are very lucky dear that you have your son, you are struggling now but will be happy in future. You are a strong mother and will reaise your child wisely. Those who ruined your life should not be discussed ,remove all memories from your life. It will make you stronger.

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