@bosferi123 Your post stands out from all the others because it is a different post. You have shared an informative post with us and you have told about an animal that I have never heard of before. It doesn't seem like it could fly, but you said it's because of its wings that it flies very fast because of them and it's an animal that can't be seen in the winter but we can see it in the summer. It can be seen and can be very difficult to find in winter
Iya itu memang benar hewan ini termasuk hewan langka karena hewan ini sulit di temukan, ia akan muncul pada musim kemarau tiba.terimasih sudah singgah dan meninggalkan komentar baik anda sobat.
Yes, you are absolutely right it is really so difficult because when it is not visible outside in winter how can it be easy to find it. You have shared very informative posters. I want you to continue. Keep sharing such informative post to increase our knowledge