SEC - S18W6 : "Capturing the Beauty of the Animal World""

in Steem of Animals3 months ago

Assalamu Alaikum!!!

I hope you all are doing well and Alhamdulillah I am doing well too, so first of all I want to share one thing with you: the way the heat has become too much. We humans feel very hot and we drink water and bathe frequently to reduce our heat loss We also do many things to avoid heat like staying indoors. I live so as not to go out and escape the heat. We run the AC. AC cools the room and we escape the heat. But animals and birds who cannot do anything special for themselves, whatever needs to be done for them, we humans have to do, at most they can only do that if humans have planted trees, they They sit under the shade of trees to reduce their heat, so humans should plant more trees so that birds, which are no one's pets, and animals can find a place where they can cool down easily. Be able to sit in the place and sit in the shade. Besides, all of us should keep water on the roofs of our houses so that the birds that fly and see water wherever they see it, can drink and quench their thirst

In this way it will be very good for birds and animals that we humans think about them so much, so today I am going to participate in this competition and tell you about some of my birds which I have raised and we have also been raised by my uncles and they take care of them a lot and we also take care of them and try for them so that these people feel the heat as little as possible. Because when someone gets sick in this heat, he does not recover quickly. I am thankful to @steem.ofanimals for organizing this contest



So let me share with you people the pictures of parrots that we have kept at home they are very cute and they are also named after parrots such as Minto and Bantu. Yes, they are very cute and they copy words very quickly. They are still small so we are trying to get them to eat. And we also understand people's love. When we love them, they start chirping and flying with joy. As they get a little bigger, I will release them so they can live their own independent life, but then I also sometimes think that when it gets too much, someone will attack them and kill them. It is good for anyone to eat it, but I will set them free because freedom is their right and let me tell you people that I care for them very much and give them the things they eat with passion and especially But I take care of their water so that they don't have to think that we don't have water



I hope you will like these parrots too, these parrots are so good that everyone praises them, but many people have said to us that they exist, give them to us and whatever price we want. Take this much but we don't believe we because they can't be valued, their only value is freedom and I will give them one day until then I will protect them and feed them.



And now I will share with you guys a real chicken and show you his pictures which are my uncle's he has been sick for a few days and he is just sitting like that he seems to have heat. Due to this his health has worsened, he has heat inside due to which he is so much and he has also been checked up by the doctor and given his medicine and also given his medicine and now. It has made a lot of difference and we have also fed him cold things so that the heat inside him is removed and we also protect him from the heat, so this cock is very good and he is also great. Yes, and it is very cute. When this chicken was fine, many people were asking for it, but we did not give it, and still, we will not give it, because it will be fine soon, God willing. It is one of my cousins. Loves chicken very much

And now I will share with you guys a real chicken and show you his pictures which are my uncle's he has been sick for a few days and he is just sitting like that he seems to have heat. Due to this his health has worsened, he has heat inside due to which he is so much and he has also been checked up by the doctor and given his medicine and also given his medicine and now. It has made a lot of difference and we have also fed him cold things so that the heat inside him is removed and we also protect him from the heat, so this cock is very good and he is also great. Yes, and it is very cute. When this chicken was fine, many people were asking for it, but we did not give it, and still, we will not give it, because it will be fine soon, God willing. It is one of my cousins. Loves chicken very much



So here are my spare animals which I love a lot and I hope you guys will like them too. I will be waiting for your appreciation and review


25% to @null

Special Thanks to :

Invite Friends: @eliany , @alee75 , @memamun

Regards: @arinaz08

 3 months ago 

বর্তমানে বাসা বাড়ির একটি সৌন্দর্য হলো এই পাখিগুলো অথবা ছোট ছোট কবুতর গুলো। খাঁচার মধ্যে বন্দি করে রেখে ভাষাতে এই সৌন্দর্য তৈরি করে এই পাখিগুলো। যেমনটি আপনি তোতা পাখিকে এভাবে খাঁচার ভিতর রেখে আনন্দ নেন। আমি মনে করি বাসার সৌন্দর্য বৃদ্ধি করার জন্য এরকম তোতা পাখি প্রতিটি বাসায় থাকাও আবশ্যক। ভালো থাকবেন আপনার জন্য শুভকামনা রইল এই প্রতিযোগিতায় 💘🥰

 3 months ago 

Tha K you so much for like my post and also giving me nice review. You are right there are add the beauty of house. Tha ks for wishing me good luck

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

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Curated by : @𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗂𝖺𝖽𝗂

 3 months ago 

Hola amiga es un gusto saludarte, tienes unas aves muy hermosas y sin duda valen la pena tenerlas.

También el pollo es muy común tenerlo como mascota, es una pena que esté enfermo, deseo que mejore pronto.

Me gusta que te hayas enfocado en las aves y todas las fotos están muy hermosas.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, saludos.


Hello, I hope you are well I am very happy to read your post and you have made a very good point that just as we feel warm when we sit under a fan and so on, animals also feel warm. If so, the best way to remove their heat is to plant as many trees as possible and take the government's aid, then the animals will sit in the shade of the trees, so their heat is removed and it is a little less. You have given a very good opinion and besides we can keep water in pots on our roofs. G Man I have seen your parrots which are a very beautiful breed and you are raising them very well you have done a great job keeping them in cages and keeping them safe and you are very good. They are on the point that if you cast them, someone will attack them, but now they are also satisfied that you will free them when they grow up. This is a very good idea. Some have this kind of thinking and many people want to buy from you, but you will not sell them. You are on the real point that you will set them free. This is a very good thing of yours. I have become a great empress and similarly, we are very happy to see your attachment to birds. And in the same way, in the end, you have shown us your uncle's native chicken, because it is a very lively breed and very beautiful, and let me tell you that I also have a native chicken at home, it is a very good breed and Native chickens are amazing and people keep them with great interest. I enjoyed reading your post.
Best Regards

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