Assalamu Alaikum how are you all hope everyone is fine I am fine by the grace of Allah I am fine from the bottom of my heart love and best wishes to Allah a million thanks to Allah for gifting us another day today I am here to share my day with you let's begin
I woke up in the morning and went to the office for our daily work. Today, while going to the office, I saw a goat lying on the leaves of a tree. I called the goat and helped it feed the leaves.Goats love jackfruit leaves so jackfruit leaves are very nutritious for goats so I helped goats to eat their favorite food.
So I waited for a long time and saw the goat eating then I went to the office and went to the office and finished some work that I had to doIt was almost time for me to finish work and then I would come home from work when I saw small dogs on the street scavenging for food in dustbins.
Then I saw the mother dog roaming around in the dustbin collecting food and I took bread from the shop next door.I came home and had lunch and went out for a walk in the afternoon. Every day I go out for a walk. Walking has become my habit.In the evening I saw vendors selling hot puri and jilapi. The puri is very delicious. Most of the people of Syedpur love to eat puri as an afternoon snack.
I like to eat hot hot puri sometimes we eat it hot and then I finished the shopping and came home and got home after dinner and got ready for bed.Was my whole day's work, everyone will be fine, God bless you