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RE: Why are MMO's still popular?
DAOC was my first MMO addiction really and the idea of having contested castles in neutral zones was a really novel idea. It was just a shame that the servers that whoever made DAOC had weren't anywhere near powerful enough to support a battle on that level. It was lag city and then you were just dead and you had no idea why.
I accidentally talked about SWG in the above response but that game was just garbage. Boring combat and a story that was for the most part a completely separate story from the SW universe.
I enjoyed SWG but not as much as DAOC. And when they started making changes to SWG it seemed to get worse, not better. The closest thing I play to an MMO today is Pokemon Go. What I really want is some sort of turn based game with a lot more depth that you can pick up and play a few minutes at a time.