Your comment about ‘Ocarina’ inspiring Dark Souls has me intruiged. To my eye, the two games look very different. I was wondering how, exactly, is Dark Souls taking inspiration from Ocarina? Apart from it being a totally brilliant game:) ?
Your comment about ‘Ocarina’ inspiring Dark Souls has me intruiged. To my eye, the two games look very different. I was wondering how, exactly, is Dark Souls taking inspiration from Ocarina? Apart from it being a totally brilliant game:) ?
Well, Z targeting was invented in Ocarina of Time, and that mechanic (besides being present in other games) is also present in Dark Souls. Other aspects such as the development in the dungeons is quite inspired by Ocarina, and also certain aspects of the inventory. In addition (and although they are different games, they are from the same company), Elden Ring is quite inspired by Breath Of the Wild.