Education, Why Is It Important To A Child And What Is Being Done To Embrace Modern Education In Your Locality.

in Steem Kids & Parents3 years ago (edited)



An educated country, city, town or community is a light. Even though the narrative seem to have been changed in some of our countries due to corruption and misplacement of prioty, the place of education in a nation cannot be overemphasized.

The Bible rightly states in 2Timothy 2:15;

Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the words of truth.

This verse of the scripture does not only relate to one's knowledge of the world of God. It also relate one's knowledge of the earth and technology of this world.

So to relate this to our present day education, we can state this as:
Be educated to show that you are certified in the eyes of humanity, being a professional in your field so you can apply your knowledge to solve the problems we face in the world.
Education is a powerful tool to an individual and a nation's development. In short, when you educate a man, you educate a nation.

What is education?

Education is simply the process of acquiring knowledge about a subject at home, school or a special place. It is the process of teaching someone or being educated.

Education can be formal and informal. Formal education takes place at school. School is categorizsd into kindergarten, nursery, primary, secondary and high institutions. Formal education is given by specially trained teachers/lecturers at all categories. In this form of education, the Child is expected to learn a curriculum of studies in a specified field for a number of years, get a certificate and move on unto the next stage until the formal education is completed to the highest form.

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Informal education is the kind of education that takes place at home and in skill acquisition centers. This is actually the first form of education that the child is exposed to even from the cradle, so it is worthy to state that the mother is the first initiator of this form of education. The child is taught to sit, crawl, stand and walk. Though this are burn out of developmental stages but they are taught a child. The child is taught morals, how to do house chores, respect elders and be an important personality in the home.

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This form of education extends to skill acquisition centres where the child become an apprentice under a master and learns for a specified period of time before gaining freedom to practice. Informal education in its broadest sense is the form of education that occurs outside the four walls of a school.

Why is it important to a child?

The importance of education to a child cannot be overemphasized. I am going to state few of this importance.

  1. Education Develops the intellect of a Child.
    Education teaches the child how to read and write. The child starts to learn when he is taught to identity letters and numbers, write them down, and even read them. He is taught to combine letters and letters and bring out meaning from them.

  2. Education is an eye opener to every Child.
    There are some things that the Child cannot learn on his own. Education, either formal or informal is necessary to open the eyes of a child to this things.

  3. Education helps to know his place in the society.
    Every adult who is doing well, representing an organization or the country started as a child and was educated. The adult was developed in a field where he would be a meaningful and someone of value in the society. Education helps to train a child in this manner, making the Child who adheres to the teaching becoming a relevant person in his community.

  4. Education helps to bring the hidden talents in a child.*
    One of the importance of education in the life of a child is it's ability to bring out the hidden talent in children. It is the proces of being educated that this talents surface, making the children become special among their counterparts.

  5. Education helps in the placement of a child in the relevant field he can be useful to himself and the society at large.
    The power of education extends to giving children direction in their bid to be learned individual, learned enough to affect their world.

At what age should a child start learning?

Though the two forms of education are important in the development of a child, I shall answer this question based on the formal education.

In my opinion, the Child should begin learning (formal education) at the age of six. At this point in a Child's development, he can walk, and talk fluently. Learning would be quite easy. If a child has fully developed and he is admitted into school, he would have some level of concentration, making learning to be fast and easy going. The very tender ages children are admitted into schools make them to be forced out of the house and forced to learn by the teacher. At the age of six when a child knows his left from right, he can willing attend school without force.
With this, we can do away with the kindergarten and nursery schools because most of the things taught there can be learnt by the Child in a short while of he has attained a bit of development.

What is done in your locality to embrace modern education?

In my locality, schools and skill acquisition centres are being created year after year to accommodate the ever growing population of children in the society. The number of schools and skill acquisition centres in the city I stay are innumerable.
Debate and quiz competitions are organized within and outside schools to help students compete with themselves to bring put the best in them. Internal and external examinations are conducted to test students/pupils knowledge of what they have been taught also m


Education is a life long process that does not have an end. The education process continues for life because man is forever learning as long as he lives. One cannot be all educated at once. So even after getting a degree in a filed of study, the educational process continues.
So before a child can come to the degree level of education where he can be referred to as an educated individual, he has to be groomed and taught from as early as he knows things.

 3 years ago 

Hi @tamighty thank you for participating in this CONTEST wish you success. Thank you for DELEGATING to this community we appreciate



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Please where did I do plagiarism?

 3 years ago 

Always Use this tool and check for PLAGIARISM before posting your write-up ensure your work is 100% unique before posting


Really? That's a Bible passage I quoted using the appropriate markdown (>). I even included the place in the Bible from which I got it. So is this plagiarism?

@ngoenyi, I am disappointed at what is done in this community. Is this how you guys verify write ups? I am sure @eliany doest have idea of what she has done. My post has been invalidated because of her wrong review and the head admin says nothing.

I am so disappointed!

 3 years ago 

Good post and very useful.

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