
in Steem Kids & Parents11 months ago


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So how are you guys, I hope you all are doing well and happily in your life, guys, from childhood to adulthood, we get various experiences in our daily life, we face various events, we interact with others, we share ideas with others. We have to give advice, we have to lead, and at other times we have to work under certain people and listen.So in this way, when we go through each and every day of our life with happiness and sadness, to face the things that happen to us in this society, I am going to tell you about something that we need to master and build from childhood. To the steem kids & parents community and to @steemkidss for presenting this kind of content to share ideas about something very important to talk about in today's society.So guys, this important topic that I want to tell you today is "Discipline" let's see what is discipline, how do we maintain good discipline, do we need discipline, how do we teach others about discipline and how do we act as a disciplined person.

01) How do you view discipline?

According to my opinion, discipline is something that we definitely need. When we go to school when we are children, we submit to a set of discipline rules at school. When we are at home, we submit to a set of discipline rules that our family members taught us. If we go for a job, If we get married and stay in prison after submitting to a set of rules that must be followed in that institution, we will impose a series of disciplinary rules on them to do these things and not to do these things.If you look at it this way, if you apply a set of discipline rules to yourself, you can live well in the society without making any mistakes, then the society that looks at you will tell you that you are a person with good discipline.If a child was instructed to practice some discipline from childhood, there would never be prisons in this world. In the religions we believe in, we have been taught a lot about discipline. Discipline rules have been imposed to do these things and not to do these things, so we have culture for that religion. Together, we can make our own disciplinary rules and reduce many of our problems.

During my school days I was a member of the school cadet as a school cadet platoon .It was sweet memory for me.I have shown a photo of it below. I still follow the cadet discipline that was taught to me. I use those things in my daily life as well as in my work. It is very convenient for me to continue my life.My decision is that every person needs good discipline.

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02) Have you been disciplined before or have you ever disciplined someone?

Yes, definitely, I have shown discipline to the best of my ability on many occasions in my life and taught others to live with discipline. As I said before, I was a member of the school cadet team, and those experiences strongly contributed to this.Also, in the small classes, the teachers and student leaders in the school taught us many things, such as how to wear a uniform properly, how to comb hair, how to help others, and through that, good discipline was built in me from a young age.Through that, I have also explained to my junior students when I am a senior in the school, as well as to new members when I am a senior cadet, how to impose disciplinary rules and implement them properly.Also, my parents taught me how to be disciplined in my home. When I grew up, I taught those things to my younger brothers. Then they learned those things and taught them to others. Also, if we work in an organization, we have a boss there. or if a leader says something undisciplined, we must point out the mistake without thinking twice. I have also shown many such things in my life and I also listen to what others say.


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03) Do you consider discipline as love or hatred despite how it is given?

When we first say something to someone, first we say it lovingly and sometimes if he doesn't accept it, there is a situation where we say it firmly, but if we teach or point out to someone about good discipline, first of all we must be a disciplined person, otherwise the person we warn will point the finger at us. First of all, be a disciplined person.When we were young, our parents taught us everything with love and so did the teachers at school, but if we break them or don't follow them, sometimes they punish us, not out of anger, but we feel sad at that time, but they have done those things for a while to guide us. When we think about it, we understand it.I have punished my brothers too, it is not out of anger to get them to the right path, in their army they use very tiring training and punishment methods to maintain discipline. A characteristic of a disciplined person.


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04) Do you think discipline is beneficial to kids?

Discipline is definitely necessary for small children. A small child will become a mature adult step by step. If he becomes an adult and commits an undisciplined act and is sentenced to punishment or the court police or jail, who told him about discipline when he was a child? He would never do such a thing if he was taught about the punishments for breaking discipline.From a young age, parents, teachers, elders, and religious priests must teach us how to live with discipline and once a child's mind understands those good things, he will never do that again and they will share such ideas with their friends. To teach them how to live in the society, it will help to close even one prison.My opinion is that kids definitely needs a good set of rules.


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05) Your personal advice to those who give discipline and to those who receive it ?

First of all, if we talk about those who advise us about discipline, we can mention many people like us, parents, elders, teachers, military police members, religious priests, because they have a lot of experience in society. And if one advises another about it, he should first make sure that he refrains from it.And you should always be a loving person. Also, if we warn someone who gets angry often about discipline, we should never punish him. The person who tells about discipline must be a role model because the person who receives advice from him always looks up to him and follows him.If you are listening to a speech or a lecture about discipline, you should take only the good things said by that person into your mind and discard the bad things said. You can refer to the lectures in the program about discipline.Then you can live in society with good discipline.


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So friends, this is how the note I brought you about discipline ends. I hope that with the things and facts that I have said, you too will add something to your lives and shape your life as a disciplined person.Finally I would like to invite @svm038 , @chukwu10 , @gunthertopp to this content.God bless you.

 11 months ago 

Hello @sudaraka96, you made a great post on discipline of which I enjoyed every point you made but I'll advise you remove all the images you used in this post. Why so? Those pictures aren't free and aren't allowed on steemit. Use free sites such as, and to get your images. Tag me once you're done. Thanks for understanding. Hoping to see you comply...

 11 months ago 

Thank you very much for the encouragement and support brother.

 11 months ago (edited)

I appreciate. Still waiting for you to remove them

 11 months ago 

la disciplina siempre ha estado presente en nuestras vidas desde que nacemos nuestro padres nos corrigen luego cuando vamos a la escuela y en cualquier lugar.
Sin embargo ella es una muestra de amor y tiene que darse con equilibrio, nunca recurrir a la violencia y maltrato

cuando somos niños es el momento adecuado de enseñar disciplina ya que cuando es adulto todo lo que hiciste de pequeño y tienes como habito, se hace mucho mas fácil.
suerte en el concurso compañero.

 11 months ago 

La disciplina la veo yo como muy importante para nosotros los seres humanos y lograr muchas cosas portandonos debidamente. Suerte en su buen reto bye😊

 11 months ago 

Thanks for your comment sister.


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