SEC17 WK:#2: your family and leisure activities

in Steem Kids & Parents3 months ago (edited)
Hello Steem Kids & Parents

Today's modern age is a machine age where we are busy from morning till evening and it is very difficult to take out free time from our busy routine. So whenever we get free time, we can consider it as God's blessing and spend it usefully.

I called it a blessing because through the time we spend with our family in our free time, we understand each other more and get to know what qualities our family members have. A sense of respect , companionship and openness develops in us for them which makes our relationships very strong.

Value Of Leisure Time

For me, every activity that I do with my family or friends gives me happiness. I don't need to go out of station for this. Even if I play at home or just have a little talk alongwith having tea together , it is the best activity for me. If I go to a park and spend time with my friends, it is the best activity for me. It refreshes me completely and I am refilled with new energy.


In our free time, we not only understand our family members or friends but we also get a chance to know ourselves. Spending alone time with yourself is aldo a leisure activity. What qualities do we have? When we think about it in our free time, then we start working on them. I like listening to music and singing in my free time. If I say so, I am completely crazy about it and I think of developing a good career in it.

I also like to live amidst nature. Whenever I get a chance, I go to the park. I have a very small family which includes my mother, my brother and my sister. I like to spend time with all of them. I enjoy a lot. When I spend time with my parents, I don't worry about myself.


My brother is youngest and he is very naughty. I mean I am 5 years older than him but he obeys me a lot. I tease him a lot and there is a good bonding between us,

we both like to play with each other. When I am busy and am not able to play with him then he complains for not spending time together.

He comes and says ,"why are you not sitting beside me , pls didi sit beside me" and I say, "what am I gonna do by just sitting" and then he says,"because it has been a while and I want your time , don't do anything just be with me" . I find this very pure , I truly love him .

I also promise that I will take out some free time from my busy routine and play his favourite game with him.


I took this photo with my mother when we had planned that we would go to the park in our city and swing there or spend some time there. My mother is also very cheerful.

There were a lot of flowers near the park. I plucked two flowers of the same kind and accessorized one in my mother's hair and one in my own hair because we were laughing a lot on something. And then we took the photo together .

You can see in the photo how happy we both are with each other. This is my best activity which makes me happy. Just by looking at this photo, I get a lot of happiness. These are my memories, sweet memories.


This photo is of the time when we planned to go to the biggest temple in our city because there is a very big area outside the temple where you will feel very relaxed . You will feel as if you have come to a hill station, so we planned to go there.


This is my elder sister Radha Goyal . I love her a lot and she has been there for me always . Since we don't share much of an age gap we feel very comfortable with each other . Me being the younger one sometimes feel tough to match her maturity level but still we love each other's company. This is the picture from when we went to temple together ❤.


This is my friend Jiya . I know her for about 5 years now . We studied in the same school and always shared good chemistry. I like spending time with her . This picture is from a mall where I went to meet her . It was amazing.


Leisure activities are as important for all of us as eating food and earning money because we earn money to fulfill the needs of our family but we forget to fulfill and we are not able to make a place of love in each other's heart because we do not spend quality time with them, do not understand them or try to understand them.


I invite : @saintkelvin17 @comfortpeter @chant in this wonderful engagement

Cc - @steemkidss



 3 months ago 
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 17 in the Steem kids and parents Community.

I agree with your post hundred percent. Leisure activities are as important as eating food. Time spent with loved ones makes us happy.

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You are welcome mam .
Thanks for your precious review 🙏

 3 months ago 

Leisure activities are very important for family unity because there we see and understand how important sharing is and that we will always need time to do family activities.

Without forgetting that the activities that we can do do not necessarily have to be outside the home, they can also be at home because we provide the fun, the outings where we integrate nature are special moments because we will always have those memories and be able to live them again.

Saludos 👍🇻🇪

Truly . Family is as important as we are for ourselves and so deserves time .

Yes I agree . Infact , my most leisure time passes inside home . I am not someone who likes to hangout outside a lot . I love being at home and I realized that just 15 minutes with your soul beloveds can charge you like nothing .

Thanks for your valuable comment wilmer ❤

 3 months ago 

Family is one of the most beautiful thing to have, believe me and there is nothing has spending much time with family because each time we spend with them brings us a step closer to our heart.

I love this and I will be dropping my entry soon, best of luck my friend.

Truly , family is everything.

Thanks dear , sure . Same to you 🌼

You are right because the present era is very fast, in this era no one has suffered anything from the family. but your family is very nice

Yeah this is also a benefit , yes it is .
Thankyou for commenting 🌸

 3 months ago 

Hi @shruti16! your sincere reflection on the importance of leisure and family connections is truly touching. It is clear that you find immense joy and fulfillment in spending time with your loved ones, whether through simple activities at home or outings to the park or temple. Your dedication to nurturing these relationships is inspiring, and your willingness to prioritize quality time with family and friends sets a wonderful example for others. I wish you continued happiness and memorable moments with your loved ones.

Hii !
I am glad that you liked my post 🌟. I realy find simple activities equally joyful because I am a very simple person and kind off introvert . So for me little and minimal things matter more . Also I feel that its not about the place or activities... rather is about the people one is with . Thankyou so much for truly feeling the way I felt while writing this post . Thanks for being capable enough to understand my dedication and my love for my loved ones .
Thanks a lot , you really wished me well . May you also always be happy ❤

 3 months ago 

Spending time with our loved ones is a leisure no one should take for granted.


 3 months ago 

Wonderful post dear, I really enjoyed reading it. Your younger brother is really naughty 🤣 because your sister has said this before and this has shown that this is true.

Your relationship with Radha is amazing and is really amazing and I love that alot. Our families are the people who love us most. Is good you also spend wonderful times with your mum.

Am surprised you didn't talk about your dad, anyway I wish you good luck in this engagement challenge.

Very firstly thanks for taking out your precious time and commenting this beautifully .

Thanksyouuuuuuuuu . Oh ! Yes he is ... very very notorious.

Thanks ... we are sisters and we have each other .. in this world full of fraud we have each other and so we need to be each other's soul support. Yes , my mother has her whole world in us .. she deserves our time more than how much we deserve her .

Ummm Asian parents you know . My father is extremely stick and so I don't have funcky relationship with him ... I had better stay away from him 😂. Thankyouuuu ❤

 3 months ago 

Is good you are very close with Radha, she's a very nice person and also my best friend. Your mum is also a wonderful person and I hope your brother stops being naughty all the time.

Try to be close to your dad, is very important. I wish you good luck.

Yeah , i know .

Aaaahhhh , Don't worry about that .... but surely. Thanks for guidance. Thankyou

When there's love between families, I mean brother and sisters. Such family is always lovely and everyone are always cherish. Your brother is a very naughty and he always loves playing with, when you can't play with him because of busyness he complains because he misses you, wow.. that's so impressive. From my experience with your sister Radha @moyeon, she's very comfortable to talk with, she always create time to talk with me and I can confirm that she's a kind of person no one would ever talk negatively about. I mean her personality towards people are very lovely. I enjoy reading your post and I wish you the very best of luck.

I agree ... I highly agree with this line . The family that has love in between siblings is not something common.... i mean normal bonding is everywhere but a strong spiritual and emotional support is rare and that's beautiful.
Yeah right even i got emotional the first time when he behaved like this .
Yeah she is someone is wise and open minded. She is high-quality person who is also easy going .... I don't even care if anyone thinks bad about her or talks shit behind her back because I feel no matter what people will always judge you ... always ! . The people who really know her like me and you will always trust her and know how wonderful she is ... so the rest don't even matter .
Oh yeah dear i know she is as sweet as honey but mind it friend do not catch diabetes 😂 ... hold yourself okkk 😂 .
Thanks bunny .. same to you 🌟

LoL, I've hold myself..😁
Good to have you here.


Your article is very interesting, I hope we are lucky in this contest...

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