RE: SEC14 WK:#5: Charity Begins at home
Charity, also known as love, is all about showing kindness and reaching out to others with genuine care from our hearts. It's not about seeking attention or wanting others to see us, but about truly caring for people.
In the Bible, we are encouraged to show charity and love to others, just like the story of the Good Samaritan teaches us. And I completely agree that charity should begin at home. We're told to love our neighbors as ourselves, and that includes our immediate family. It's important to take care of those within our own household before reaching out to others.
It's disheartening to see people neglecting their own family while trying to appear charitable to outsiders. That kind of behavior seems pretentious and motivated by the desire for recognition. True charity should start from within, from a place of genuine love and care.
The motivating factor for charity should always be the genuine desire to help and care for others, not to be seen or praised. As the Bible says, we shouldn't let our right hand know what our left hand is doing. Broadcasting our good deeds often stems from a desire for attention and praise, which goes against the true spirit of charity. It's best to do good without seeking recognition and let the act itself be the reward.