"My Childhood Dream"

in Steem Kids & Parents3 months ago



Hello brothers and sisters

My name is Peace Bala
From Nigeria
With the username @peacebala

Cordial greetings to you brothers and sisters. Dear sister @drhira has organised a very great contest for us to participate. I am happy to participate too which I know we are all happy to participate. The topic is: My Childhood Dream and without waste of time, I will like to kick off now as I mention my friends to also take part in this contest.


Dreams are things we hope to become in life. Most dreams starts from the childhood and then such a child would keep growing with the dreams at heart as he or she becomes that thing he has dreamt to be. Most people end their dreams by themselves and thats all, while some kept pushing and are still pushing.

As A Child What Did You Wanted To Become In Future?

I am still growing and still hoping for my dreams to come to past. I have big dreams for myself and these big dreams involves myself being a Nurse, secondly having my big provision shop someday because that business is a very cool business and it's not a get rich quick business but you will see that the money keeps increasing gradually.



With the way my country is going, and the way my country behaves towards the poor is really something else entirely and my country has finally weakened most of us from our dreams. Now I have big dreams of becoming a Nurse but professional courses in Nigeria are not for the poor only for the rich which is so disheartening.

At The Moment, Have You Achieved The Dream Or You Have Changed Your Dream?

I am still pushing on to achieve my dreams but obviously I might not be able to meet up and possibly have a change of plan because things are becoming harder, my dad is no more and only my mum is trying to push my education further and that of my siblings.

I will be writing WAEC soon so, I will make sure I read and study hard towards my dream course of study and if that favours me fine, if it doesn't then that is when I will think of the next change of plan but for now, still hoping on God.

What Dream Do You Have At The Moment?

I have not changed my big dreams, there is nothing the almighty cannot do, although things are not going normal but we believe in the almighty. I still have much dreams and hope of becoming a Nurse and I trust God for that.

Meanwhile, I am going to have alternatives of incase something, somewhere and somehow changed, I can pick up the alternative fast so as not to keep wasting time waiting and reapplying for the Nursing.

Thanks for reading ❤️

 3 months ago 

Yes it's very good to keep the hope alive, since we have life we need to have full hope that one day all our dreams will come to fulfillment. Being a nurse is a perfect profession and it's true that it's an hot cake here in Nigeria for one to get a professional course like that, but I believe with God on your side you will make it through. I wish you success in your WAEC and the post.


It's admirable how you're persevering despite the challenges you face in pursuing your dream of becoming a nurse. Your determination and faith are inspiring. Keep pushing forward, and may your dreams come true.

Sure I am going to keep pushing. I wish you the best in this contest too.

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