“SEC-S11W2-My life as a parent or kid and joys and sadness”

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year

Assalamualaikum, greetings everyone! Today I would like to Share my experiences as a parents or kids and the joy's and sadness that comes with it. Join me as I reflect on the ups and downs of life cherishing the moment's of happinesses and learnings from the periods of sadness.


As a parent or a kid, tell us about a period when you had lasting joy.

When I was a kid there was a Summer that brought me lasting joy. My family's and I went on a roads trip to the Beach. The sun kissed my skin as I built sandcastles and splashed in the waves. We chuckled, engaged in activities, and savored ice cream. Each day was filled with adventure and new discoveries. I collected seashells, flew kites, and watched stirring sunsets. The joy I felt during that summer stayed with me long after we returned home. It was a time of debonair happiness, creating memories that I still cherish to this day.

What have you done to ensure that this joy continues in your life and in the life of those around you?

To ensure that the joy I experienced as a kid continues in my life and in the lives of those around me, I've made a conscious effort to prioritize happiness and produce meaningful connections. I actively seek out activities and hobbies that bring me joy, similar as painting, playing music, and spending time in nature. I also make it a point to cultivate positive relationships by being kind, probative, and present for my favored ones. I strive to spread joy by volunteering, helping others, and sharing uplifting stories and experiences. By nurturing my own happiness and spreading positivity, I hope to inspire and bring lasting joy to those around me.


As a parent or a kid, tell us about a period when you had sadness.

As a kid, there was a period of sadness that I experienced when my best friend moved away. We had been thick, sharing innumerous adventures and secrets. When I found out About the move my heart's sank. The days that followed were filled with a deep sense of loneliness. I missed our laughter, our late- night conversations, and our shared dreams. It felt like a pieces of me was missing. However I learned to cope with the sadnesses by findings solaces in other friendship's and engaging in activities that brought me joy. While the sadnesses lingered for a while I eventually realized that life goes on and new friendship's can be formed.


What have you done to ensure that the period of sadness doesn't show up again in your life?

To ensure that periods of sadness do not overwhelm my life, I've developed coping mechanisms and strategies. Firstly, I prioritize self- care by engaging in activities that bring me joy and help me relax, similar as reading, exercising, and spending time in nature. I also maintain a strong support system of friends and family who I can turn to during delicate times. also, I practice mindfulness and self- reflection, allowing myself to acknowledge and process negative emotions rather than suppressing them. Seeking professional help, similar as therapy or counseling, is another important step I take when needed. By actively taking care of my internal and emotional well- being, I strive to prevent prolonged periods of sadness and maintain a positive outlook on life.


As a kid, I experienced both lasting joy and periods of sadness. To ensure that joy continues in my life, I prioritize happiness, cultivate positive relationships, and spread positivity to those around me. To prevent periods of sadness, I practice self- care, maintain a support system, and seek professional help when demanded. By actively taking care of my well- being and embracing life's ups and downs, I strive to create a fulfilling and joyous existence.

 last year 

Saludos amigo.

Los momentos más importante en la vida de cada ser humano están llenos de alegrías y tristezas, todos los experimentamos.

Y tu momento más feliz fue aquel viaje a la playa fantástico que te lleno de alegrías, dónde, dónde disfrutaste de tu familia al máximo, y es que un viaje de playa es lo máximo.

Si es cierto tener que separarnos de nuestros amigos, es muy triste, imagino que te dolió despedir a tu amigo. Pero así es la vida. Hay que aprender a vivir con eso.

Bendiciones y buena suerte en el concurso.


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