in Steem Kids & Parents3 years ago

Greetings beloved kid lovers... looking at the notion above,I want us to look below and see how to be amazing parents and guardians..
The deepest way of improving a childs' academic performance is through parental engagement and guidance.learning should not be done only in school, rather it should continue more at home.
Who is a counselor?:a counselor According to the English dictionary,is a professional who counsels people especially on personal problem or a child supervisor..
Parents/Guardians involvement in their child's education help the child reach his/her full potentials both academically, emotionally, spiritually, socially and otherwise.. parental involvement has more significant influence in a childs'academic success than the quality of the school."as the Bible said,train up a child in the way he should go, and when he grows,he shall not depart from it",the problem is, Are parents willing to take up their responsibilities and stop being more concerned about school fees??? .


Most parents can't fully attest to their childs' capability and weakness both academically and otherwise.
Notwithstanding,there are parents who go extra miles to ensure they give their children the needed attention_parental education, parental guide and parental counsel.. Kudos to them for giving the children what they require to Excel in their endeavors...
Here is a piece that is aimed at giving parents the best clue to be the child's counselor, best friend and teacher..
Give them homework support: when your child returns home from school,ask for their homework, explain and allow them to teach you when they finally understand.give them examples and allow them to do it,most especially make the environment conducive for learning and do away with any form of distraction like television, telephone and games...
Make time to talk about school; When your child returns from school, ask him about school activities;both tests, examination and classworks... Also, don't forget to ask if there's any message for you, either as newsletter or form of letter.when a child Finds out you are interested in the things going on in school,he will be paying more attention in school...
Read to them and with them; if you want your child to develop a reading culture, you have to be a role model.read to them,with them and allow them to read to you..a good reader,they say,is a good leader.you can also improve their writing skills,by writing to them, and ask them to repeat the write up... avoid telling a child you hate any subject,or how bad the teacher teaches.if you do,they will see it as a norm...


Let your ear listen and your tongue counsel; Do not be that career woman, who leaves the house before the children gets up from bed and comes home when they have all gone to bed.make effort to sit with your children, listen to their complaints especially about school,proffer solutions and encourage him.when a child knows he can talk freely with his parents,his confident level increases....
Never shun your child when he comes to you with complaints lest he will seek advice from elsewhere_maybe from the wrong source; Resist from telling your child,how he's worthless,waste of resources, and a good for nothing..if you pesist,he will believe you and guess what?, the child will develop inferiority complex, depression and at a point,he could become fed up with life...
Remember that all works and no play,they say makes jack a dull boy; schedule a recess time for your child to go out and play with friends and allow the brain to rest.encourage him to make real Friends rather than virtual friends.Also give them time for house chores.let there be time for everything...


Encourage your child and be their anchor of guidance, love, support and encouragement.remember not to spare the rod , but there must be moderation in all.be a motivator and most of all,be a blessing and not a cursing mother....no child is dumb, useless or less important.look at Ben Carson,one of Americans best neurosurgeon,his mother, though an illiterate but swore to her kids the best of life and encouragement.she made him who he is, through her constant advice and restrictions from television and made their studies her priority.today,she is a mother of greatness....once she get back home, and meet her sons watching television, she said to them, turn off the television,read your book and one day, people will watch you on their televisions... and till today, people are still watching Ben Carson on their televisions.... your child too can attain such great heights only if you can do the needful..every child is a precious gift from God, destined to a bright future. Give your child a good future through the best education and you will never regret!!!!!!!!!!!
All images sourced from pixabay
Best regards

 3 years ago 

Thank you @mmesona for presenting this interesting post. It is important that parents provide all the necessary support to their children and you have affirmed it well. We are very happy that you are with us.

I'm delighted... thanks @steemkids

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