Hello @dove11 this is simply breathtaking, I enjoyed each passage of your write up, indeed change is constant. You've successfully passed parental pressure, likewise others, so in one word I'll call you a fighter and a warrior by the way I feel you and that your girlfriend are good together 🙈 I hope to read more of you, Once again thanks 🙏
Thanks, but we are in different countries. She is in the US and still a good friend, and we often meet. We are both traveling the world, but separately, with our own partners. 😂But everything is fine. Do you want to read more? Sure, I am an open book. 👍Thank you for your kind words.
🙀🙀🙀 Which is I've missed something, is it that I skipped that passage? You know what? You're just good at writing!
Thanks again and I feel you're too kind therefore, I am giving you something so you know I am a real naughty guy. Look I have something to prove that I did yesterday. With your permission