in Steem Kids & Parents3 years ago


Good day steemians am very happy to be part of this community and to take part in this post I pray you find it interesting and reasonable.

Physical activities children developed,first of all I will like to explain what physical activities mean.

What is physical activity

Physical activity is any activity that involves moving your body. It includes everyday activities, physical active play,and organized sports and exercise.

Light physical activity: This could be going for a stroll, playing a musical instrument or standing up to point an easel.

Moderate physical activity: gets children gently huffing and coul be
•walking quickly
•Riding to child care, school or a friend house
•Dancing, skipping, jumping in puddles or flying kites.

Vigorous physical activity: gets children huffing and puffing alot, as well as sweating. It could be
•playing mining games like keeping off or 'chasey'
•Riding a bike fast
•Playing organized sports like soccer, basketball,touch football or netball.

Physical activities:why it's good for children

Physical activity is a vital for children's health, well being and development now and in the future.

Physical activity has lots of Health benefits for children. It includes
•Strengthens children's bones, muscles hearts and lungs.
•Improves children's coordination, balance.
•Posture and flexibility
•Helps children stay at a healthy weight
•Reduces children's risk if getting heart disease, cancer and diabetes later in life .

Physical activities also boosts children's well being. For example, Active children are more likely to be
Be confident and feel like they belong, be relaxed and sleep well.
Concentrate better at school, get along with others and make friends easily, share, take turns and cooperate.
Physical activity is an important part of play and learning. And when children do physical activity with you or other people, it can be a great way for them to build relationships in your family and community.

Energetic play

is a natural way for children to move and be Active for example, babies rock and kick their feet. Older children run, jump,twirl, kick and throw, dance to music, play on playground equipment,enjoy rough and tumble play, and much more.

How much physical activity do children need each day

•Children aged under 1year should have lots of floor play for babies who aren't up and about,30 mins of tummy time each day is good.
•Children aged 1year up to 3yrs should be physical active for at least three hours each day,this includes energetic play.
•Children aged 3yrs up to 5yrs should be physically active for at least three hours each day.
This includes one hour of energetic play.

It is clear that, despite their natural tendencies, children have become less physically active in recent decades, with children today expending approximately 600 kcal days less than their counterpart 50 yrs ago. Although the health consequences of a reduced energy expenditure in adults is well documented, there is little direct evidence linking sedentarines with health in children. However,three main benefits arising from adequate child hood physical activity have been postulated. The first is direct improvements in child hood health status; evidence is accumulating that more active children generally display healthier cardiovascular profiles, are learner and develop higher peak bone masses than their less active counter parts. Secondly, there is a biological carry over effect into adult hood, whereby improved adult health status results from childhood obesity may be a precursor for a range of adverse health effects in adult hood, while higher bone masses in young people reduce the risk of osteoporosis in old age. Finally, there may be a behavioral carry over into adult hood,where by Active children are more likely to become more active (healthy) adults. However, supporting evidence for this assertion is weak. Given their background, recent health guildlines suggesting that children should accumulate 60min of moderate- intensity physical activity every day . Strength supplemented by regular activities that promote strength flexibility and bone strength appear to be justified.

Thanks for time and your support


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