SEC | S11W3 - "Discipline"


How do you view discipline?

Discipline stands as a cornerstone of ethical conduct, playing a vital role in shaping an individual's standing. In its absence, a person might be perceived as lacking commitment. I advocate for coupling discipline with compassion, as there exists a fine line between formative guidance and maltreatment. Approaching discipline with empathy allows for effective guidance without crossing into vituperative territory.

Have you been disciplined before or have you ever disciplined someone?

I embody the outcome of rigorous self- control. My parents, particularly my father, hold the foremost role in instilling discipline. There were moments when I clandestinely inquired of my peers regarding their maternal corrective methods. I've assumed the role of a disciplinarian, guiding individuals, and even my own children, through corrective actions when their behavior deviates or missteps occur.


Do you consider discipline as love or hatred despite how it is given?

In the presence of maternal figures or under the tutelage of individuals lacking restraint, one should admit a implicit absence of affection. From my perspective, affection is intricately tied to discipline, functioning as a compass guiding individuals away from errant paths. In essence, discipline is inherently devoid of malice, unless its intent is misconstrued by the recipient. The response to being disciplined rests with the existent, necessitating an acceptance of guidance rather than transmuting it into animosity. Personally, I remain loyal in my belief that discipline, irrespective of its intensity, never transforms into antipathy.

Do you think discipline is beneficial to kids?

I wholeheartedly concur; the advantages of discipline extend without exception, encompassing both youthful ones and grown- ups alike.

For children, discipline serves as a catalyst for heightened cognition and awareness, fostering astuteness in their actions. Respect becomes a natural outcome, as discipline shapes their interactions and responses. The virtue of calmness and propriety further emerges, enabling youngsters to exhibit estimable conduct consistently. It's through discipline that they comprehend their boundaries, laying the foundation for self- regulation.

Fear, not in a negative sense, but as a respect for consequences, is also an offshoot of discipline. By experiencing the outcomes of their actions, children grasp the repercussions, thus cultivating a sense of circumspection. This multifaceted effect of discipline persists throughout adulthood, imprinting a continuing sense of responsibility, self- control, and awareness.

Your personal advice to those who give discipline and to those who receive it."

From my role as both a parent I have garnered multitudinous insights concerning discipline. In my capacity as a guide, I have learned that a balanced approach to discipline can establish familiarity within the child's understanding, evoking neither trepidation nor contrition. However, the infusion of tender correction renders the discipline acknowledged and embraced by the recipient.


It's imperative to counsel that administering discipline in a state of anger may inadvertently breed animosity in the one being corrected. For the receiver, adhering to the adage that" obedience is preferable to sacrifice" becomes consummate. Prioritizing visionary compliance rather than awaiting reprimand proves insightful. Equally pivotal is the discernment to glean the substance of the discipline imparted, irrespective of its intensity. This capacity to absorb formative feedback fosters particular growth while enabling the instructor to reckon with their actions.

Ultimately, as we navigate the delicate terrain of discipline, coupling correction with care and embracing guidance with openness cultivates an environment wherein both giver and receiver partake in an evolution of character and understanding.


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