Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W3|| Review Any Fun Spot: The Coolness of Ketibung Beach |

Strolling Lake Lut Tawar through Ketibung Beach in Aceh Tengah, Indonesia.

While diving to pick up pearls. So my philosophy is safe. The 1991 alumni reunion event at STM Negeri Bireuen, Aceh, was held at Ketiban Beach, on the outskirts of Dauan Lut Tawar, Central Aceh, which is located at an altitude of 1,100 meters above sea level. The air temperature there is very fresh and cold.

I invite the children to participate in celebrating the holidays at Ketibung Beach. Unfortunately, out of my four children, Ami couldn't come because she couldn't leave school. I took @taministy and his family because my friend took pictures of our reunion.

We traveled from Lhokseumawe in fine weather. However, when he arrived at Mount Salak, it was raining heavily accompanied by lightning. I have to be careful in driving because the road is slippery and there are many steep ravines.

My children and I have never been to Ketibung Beach before, although we have been to the cool Lut Tawar Lake several times. So, they really enjoyed this trip.

We stayed at a simple inn on the outskirts of Lake Lut Tawar. We had to take a shower early in the morning because I don't know the location yet and the trip could take a lot of time because it's cramped. So, bathing in the cold air is not the right choice.

I was trying hot air when suddenly Dek Rafa was already taking a shower with a shivering body. In fact, usually when you are at home you always ask for hot water to take a shower. So, I consider him very happy to be in Takengon City.

Fog over Ketibung Beach in Aceh Tengah, Indonesia.

Saya bersama Dek Rafa dan kawannya di tepi Danau Lut Tawar di Takengon, Aceh Tengah.

It only takes about 30 minutes to get to Ketibung Beach. A drizzle greeted us there. In the midst of the cool air, the children immediately rejoiced there. There are rubber swings there and they are history. We had time to take pictures together there.

When I was busy with activities with alumni of STM Negeri Bireuen 1991, my three children along with my wife and Irfan (son of @taminist), tried to ride an inflatable boat around Lake Lut Tawar. I, Dek Rafa, was a little afraid to see the first experience for him.

Actually, Kak Uci and Bang Atha are also traveling around Lake Lut Tawar for the first time. However, they both enjoyed it more. When he came down, Dek Rafa looked very happy.

We left Ketibung Beach in the late afternoon. Thick fog descended all the way. We had stopped at Puncak Hills Resto which has entered North Aceh Regency. My children ordered warm food, a menu that fits in the cold.

All the way home, the kids just slept in the car because they were tired. I'm sure, if invited back there they will agree.[]

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Bersama Bang Atha dan Dek Rafa, serta seorang teman mereka, anak dari @taministy.

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Bersama Dek Rafa di SPBU Lampahan, Bener Meriah. Udara di sini sangat sejuk.

Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W3|| Review Any Fun Spot: Sejuknya Pantai Ketibung

Sambil menyelam memungut mutiara. Begitu falsafah saya selama ini. Acara reuni alumni 1991 STM Negeri Bireuen, Aceh, digelar di Pantai Ketibun, pinggiran Dauan Lut Tawar, Aceh Tengah, yang berada di ketinggian 1.100 mdpl. Suhu udara di sana sangat segar dan dingin.

Saya mengajak anak-anak untuk ikut serta sekalian mereka liburan di Pantai ketibung. Sayangnya, dari empat anak saya, Kak Ami tidak bisa ikut karena tidak bisa meninggalkan sekolah. Saya mengajak @taministy dan keluarganya karena kawan saya itu memotret kegiatan reuni kami.

Kami melakukan perjalanan dari Lhokseumawe dalam cuaca cerah. Namun sampai di Gunung Salak, hujan turun dengan derasnya disertai petir. Saya harus berhat-hati dalam menyetir karena jalanan licin dan banyak jurang terjal.

Saya dan anak-anak belum pernah ke Pantai Ketibung sebelumnya, meski sudah beberapa kali ke Danau Lut Tawar yang sejuk. Jadi, mereka sangat menikmati perjalanan kali ini.

Kami menginap di sebuah penginapan yang sederhana di pinggiran Danau Lut Tawar. Kami harus mandi pagi-pagi sekali karena saya belum tahu lokasi di mana dan perjalanan bisa membutuhkan banyak waktu karena jalannya sempit. Jadi, mandi di tengah udara dingin bukan pilihan yang tepat.

Saya sedang mencoba menyalakan air panas ketika tiba-tiba Dek Rafa sudah mandi dengan tubuh menggigil. Padahal, biasanya kalau di rumah ia selalu minta air panas untuk mandi. Jadi, saya menganggapnya sangat gembira berada di Kota Takengon.

Bersama istri dan anak-anak (minus Kak Ami) di Pantai Ketibung, Aceh Tengah.

Ternyata hanya membutuhkan sekitar 30 menit saja menuju Pantai Ketibung. Hujan gerimis menyambut kami di sana. Di tengah udara sejuk, anak-anak langsung bergembira di sana. Ada ayunan karet di sana dan mereka mencobanya. Kami sempat berfoto bersama di sana.

Ketika saya sibuk dengan kegiatan bersama alumni 1991 STM Negeri Bireuen, ketiga anak saya bersama istri dan Irfan (anak @taminist), mencoba naik boat karet mengelilingi Danau Lut Tawar. Saya melihat Dek Rafa agak takut karena ini pengalaman pertama baginya.

Sebenarnya Kak Uci dan Bang Atha juga baru pertama kali mengelilingi Danau Lut Tawar. Namun, mereka berdua lebih menikmatinya. Ketika turun, Dek Rafa malah terlihat sangat gembira.

Kami meninggalkan Pantai Ketibung menjelang sore. Kabut tebal turun sepanjang perjalanan. Kami sempat singgah di Puncak Hills Resto yang sudah masuk Kabupaten Aceh Utara. Anak-anak saya memesan makanan hangat, menu yang cocok di tengah udara dingin.

Sepanjang perjalanan pulang, anak-anak hanya tidur di mobil karena kelelahan. Saya yakin, kalau diajak kembali ke sana mereka akan setuju.[]

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Makan di Puncak Hills di Gunung Salak sepulang dari Takengon.

 3 years ago 

Woow you have done a great review of the Ketibung Beach and you have just brought back memories in me when I had the chance to visit a beach. Beach outing is usually beautiful and full of fun, entertainment and enjoyment. I love the fact that you and your family have been able to visit this beach and I see you guys really had alot of fun together.. you have produce a a great content brother

Actually, I don't really like the beach because of the great tsunami trauma on December 26, 2004, in Aceh, Indonesia. I don't like beaches in Indonesia which are mostly hot.

But Ketibung Beach in Aceh Tengah is cool with dawn at around 18 degrees Celsius. It's really nice to be there because nature is also beautiful.

 3 years ago 

You can see that they really enjoyed their visit to the beach.

They did not miss the opportunity to take some photographs to remember that visit, and enjoy the activities of the place.

Successes in the contest.

Yeah, fun for children I think becomes a joy for parents, moreover, they can have fun with nature, that's very good.

Thank you for your support. See you again in the next post @yolvijrm.

 3 years ago 

Very nice photos with the children in this wonderful lake, where anyone is delighted to see the crystal clear water on a walk. I felt that I traveled with you to this wonderful place thanks to your publication, thanks for sharing, greetings 🥰

Thank you for your comments that are as soothing as the water and air at Ketibung Beach: Healthy for body and soul. It's our first time to Ketibung Beach with the kids, and going to a place like one time isn't enough.

Warm regard from Indonesia @carlaisl...


Seru banget liburan bersama seluruh anggota keluarga. Semoga bahagia selalu 😊

Amin, ya Allah. Semoga Cut Nyak @mollymochtar sekeluarga juga bahagia, berkah, mulia, dan kaya raya selalu.

Amin, ya rabb. Maksih banyak bng Ayijufridar udah doain yg terbaik buat saya 😊 semoga bg Ayijufridar juga.

Saling mendoakan dan saling mendukung, semoga tumbuh dan makmur bersama.

Saya belum pernah ke pantai ketibung.

Ayo healing sesekali @midiagam. Jangan asyik cari uang saja.

Siaaapppp bang 😀

 3 years ago 

To be frank ,I must say that the ketibung park is so wonderful and beautiful and I believe that most of this children are able to come there ,learn slot of things
Which will enable them develop their psychology

Una playa muy linda y lo que mas me gusto fue ver esa foto del bote esta bonita y dan ganas de ir a subirse en uno. Felicitaciones le deseo lo mejor en este concurso.

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