Tawa Mereka Adalah Obat Bagi Seorang Ayah

in Steem Kids & Parents9 months ago (edited)

Hai kawan-kawan semua, Sore menjelang magrib saya mendapat beberapa foto yang saya rasa menggambarkan bagaimana perasaan kami di sore itu.

Kebetulan saya baru pulang kerja, melihat istri dan anak yang sedang berada di halaman rumah, asik bermain dan tertawa lepas sambil bercanda ria.

istri saya (Baju Biru) seorang ibu rumah tangga dengan beban pekerjaan yang luarbiasa, apalagi saya bekerja di sebuah sekolah swasta yang berpenghasilan belum seberapa, bebannya mungkin makin terasa, semoga ke depan rezeki saya makin terbuka, supaya bisa terus membahagiakan mereka. 😇 amin.


Foto ini memberikan kesan hangat pada saya, ikatan kasih yang kuat antara ibu dan anak. Senja berubah menjadi latar belakang yang indah, menciptakan gambaran damai tentang keluarga yang saling menyayangi.


Rasa lelah seharian bekerja terbayarkan dengan senyum mereka, dan foto ini meninggalkan kenangan manis di hati saya.


 9 months ago 

@aneukbawang , welcome to steem kids and parents community. We will prefer that you follow the information below and get yourself verified in the newcomers community to help you grow here in the blog. , you need to start by writing your introduction post in newcommers community

When you go to that community, you will write according to the points listed below so that you can be verified.

Your name and age
A country where you reside now
Your area of work or your study
Your experience with crypto
Your hobby and passion, dislike
What sort of posts written by others are you looking for
What sort of posts do you think you'll be creating (these can change, so don't feel locked in.)
How you found Steemit and what you hope to accomplish here.

In addition, you will look for a plain sheet of paper and boldly write your username, date of the day you will upload it and "I love steemit". Take a very clear picture with it while you are standing in front of a building or tree or a car and upload it as the first picture in this post.

Then you are expected to use the following hashtags at the hashtag section

#introduceyourself #achievement1 #nigeria #newcomers #steem

The instructions to the introduction post can be found in the post link below


It is only after you are approved there that you can start writing in other communities. Thanks for your understanding

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