Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W2: Impacts of Technology in kids lives by @adorable-diala

Hello Steemians, I am glad to have joined the contest for this week again on this community. I will be sharing on The Impact Of Technology on Kids Life.



In the end, technology has improved human life from antiquity to the present by resolving issues with daily living and making a variety of activities simpler. Among many other things, technology has made it easier to travel, establish cities, and cultivate crops, effectively connecting all nations, fostering globalization, and facilitating the expansion of economies and the conduct of business. The use of technical solutions may almost carry out every aspect of human life in a simpler, more efficient, and quicker manner, with some benefits and some drawbacks.

Although technology has had some unfavorable effects on society as a whole, there may be more positive effects than bad ones. These effects have eased many people's lives and provided many with the resources, information, and tools they need to lead better lives. These effects have had a significant impact on the education, transportation, agriculture, and other sectors of global society.

Positive impacts

  1. Aiding their education Children can learn through a variety of technological instructional components. There are numerous things that children can be exposed to that can aid in the development of their minds and teach them new things, from TV programs to apps on a smartphone or tablet.

  2. Teaching resource To aid in student learning, many teachers have begun utilizing technology in the classroom. Technology aids teachers in connecting with various learner types, extending and reinforcing concepts, and inspiring students in novel ways. As more educators adopt technology, more students can be reached in ways that resonate with them and new types of learning can occur in classrooms.

  3. Better multitasking According to studies, utilizing technology teaches young children how to multitask more skillfully. Students can learn to listen and type to take notes or engage in other multitasking activities that will help them thrive in the future, even though multitasking never allows you to fully focus on one subject.

  4. Enhanced decision-making and problem-solving Children are frequently presented with challenges by technology, which also teaches them how to solve such problems and make decisions. On tablets and smartphones, games and apps can help children gain the experience they need to succeed in the future. Students who use technology properly can benefit much.



Negative impact

  1. Lower Attention Span Prolonged usage of the most popular technology tools, such as computers, cellphones, and tablets, can lead to distraction and focus issues.

  2. Children's academic progress is impacted by technology, which is one of its harmful repercussions. As we stated at the outset, it was the excessive (unconscious) use of technology rather than the technology itself that led to these issues.

  3. declining grades When students use technology more frequently today, their grades often suffer. Less time is spent on homework as a result of increased digital use, and the developmental changes that technology can cause can cause pupils to struggle with reading and writing assignments.

  4. Obesity. Children who spend more time indoors using their phones or tablets don't go outside as often to run and play. They develop technology usage habits that don't entail exercise. This may result in a rise in childhood and adolescent obesity rates.

  5. problems with social contact. Younger children are having difficulties with face-to-face social interactions as a result of spending more time on technology. Instead of speaking to each other face-to-face, many people appear to prefer texting or communicating on social media. Even when they are playing together, kids may spend more time texting or using their phones than they do really playing.

How would you rate the impact of technology in kids' life? Highly positive or negative?

We must not lose sight of the fact that technical advancements primarily serve our interests. No one is harmed by using technology properly and in moderation.

I am sure that the impact of technology on kids is highly positive. with lots of kids inventing a whole lot at a tender age its very impressive. and outweighs the negative aspects.

Can you have control over the exposure of kids to certain technological products? How?"



Children can benefit from technology with fewer drawbacks if parents and other adults help. Parents should first prevent young children under two from using devices. In order to integrate face-to-face interactions with technology and ensure that technology does not obstruct possibilities for play, they can also play with the kids. Additionally, parents should model responsible smartphone use, set reasonable time restrictions, and enforce proper boundaries. Systems and software for cybersecurity can aid in ensuring that children use computers safely.

Apps that encourage language, arithmetic, reading, and science can be found by parents, teachers, and others. To provide children the chance for a successful career in technology, adults can assist in ensuring that they learn about computer science and IT as part of technology use.

This is my entry and I hope you find it worthwhile

I invite


Technology has truly changed the world and children has not been left out.

Truly children can benefit maximally if parents and their adults can get actively involved in monitoring their activities

That's true. thanks for your comment

 2 years ago 

In the end, technology has improved human life from antiquity to the present by resolving issues with daily living and making a variety of activities simpler.

This is exactly the reason why people embrace the technology. It makes the living easier. Good luck for the contest.

Yeah thats true @nadeesew. thanks for stopping by

 2 years ago 

An interesting review, the worst impact is that social interaction is reduced. Great post, Thanks for sharing.

Refrain from using another person content, and if used always give reference to the owner of the content.

You have discussed the prons and cons of technology in kids lives. Glad to see your publication.

 2 years ago (edited)

Hola es un gusto saludarte:

los adultos pueden ayudarlos a asegurarse de que aprendan sobre informática y TI como parte del uso de la tecnología.

Me gusto mucho ésta sugerencia de verdad que los niños de ahora son muy inteligentes a cuanto tecnología se trata y ciertamente con la ayuda de un adulto pueden desarrollar conocimientos informáticos y la teoría de la información tecnología.

Y sin duda también me gusto lo que dijiste de dar el ejemplo. Me gusto leerte; espero recibir tu visita y también tu apreciado apoyo amigo. Saludos!!

 2 years ago 

Technology has become part of each of our daily activities, and children do not escape it.

Currently, children from an early age make use of technological equipment, with which they interact daily, allowing them to develop their intellectual capacity.

It is important that parents and representatives constantly monitor their children's interaction with such electronic devices, avoiding addiction to them, and other problems such as obesity, shyness, aggressiveness, etc.

Successes in the contest.

Hello thank you for participating in the contest for this week and writing so much on the week's theme, we appreciate your participation but only wish you would have been 100% original in your publication.

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