My Trip To Hell

in Writinglast year

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When you do drugs, they alter the way your brain chemistry functions. Most of the time , your body recovers and everything is fine. But, it's also possible for you to never come back to reality. You can literally become stuck in hell.

Don't DO DRUGS. They literally never lead to anything positive. Nobody in the world has ever started a story with " I started doing drugs, and life is now amazing."

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It was my 18th birthday. After the usual celebrations, i decided I needed more. up until this point, my day was amazing. earlier in the day, one of my friends gave me a paper bag and with the usual positive birthday wishes, he told me that the bag held the best birthday present I have been given all day. I said thank you and put it away, thinking nothing of it. Now , walking home from a friend's house , I come across the bag looking for a lighter and pull it out to inspect it. it was a weird spikey pod from some kind of flower. I was told to open it and eat all of the seeds inside. without thinking twice, I did just that. thinking back now, I don't think my friend knew what it was. much less has ever taken it himself. I thought I could trust him. In his defense, we were just kids. I don't think his intent was malicious. but since we stopped talking after this, I never found out for sure. either way. the damage was done since the seeds were already in my system. the damage was done.

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Aside from the bitter taste, they went down easy. after I ate them I continued walking home and maybe 10 mins later, I became extremely thirsty. unusually thirsty. I figured this was a good thing since it meant I was beginning to trip. And I was right. After stopping by a park near my house to drink from a water fountain, the visuals started.

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After I drank the water, I felt like I had spent the entire night drinking and was barely able to stand , much less walk, so I found a bench and sat down. after I sat, out of nowhere, dogs and cats, all bright white, began appearing out of nowhere. one by one they walked up and they soon I was surrounded. at first I became confused wondering what they were all doing here, until the amount became so many that there was no way they were real. that's when I realized it was the trip I was experiencing. the scary part was how real they seemed. I've done hallucinogens in the past and nothing came close to what I was seeing. at this point , i was convinced that if I tried touching one of them I would feel the fur underneath my fingers. they were right there. at first i felt amazed at the sight. but that amazement soon turned into terror when all of their eyes began bleeding. it was like they were all crying tears of blood, silently, the crimson prominent against their clean white fur. I began to panic and closed my eyes tight. praying they would go away.

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When I opened them I was alone. I looked around in confusion until I felt the urge to vomit. More like a need. I puked all over the floor in front of me. after I was I was done I looked up and I was at my house.

I knocked on the door and the door opened but before I could see who was behind the door, I blacked out again and I was on my couch with a blanket over me. I still felt high but was hoping the worst was done. I was wrong.

I closed my eyes as I felt another wave of dizziness hit me. when I opened them the room was lit and full of people. I was so confused , since they all seemed to be strangers. They all were smoking weed and cigars and cigarettes. I reached out for one of the joints that was being passed to me but dropped it as soon as I saw everyone begin to die and rot right in front of my eyes. One by one they went from healthy to dying, like they all rose from a morgue and decided to meet at my house. Before I could scream I blacked out again.

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I slowly came to , the sounds of a busy ER waking me from my coma. My dad said he found me in my living room, fever through the roof and begining to seizure. The doctor said I was dehydrated and could have died if I didn't pass out at home. I stayed in the hospital for 3 days until I felt well enough to go home. Aside from drinking, I haven't touched another drug since. One trip to hell was enough.

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