Steeming Community Weekly Mini-Contest: “ My Name is Who?”

Hello, contest buddies! Today we are challenging you with a new contest.
As one steemit family, we aimed to know each other more by telling the story behind your steemit name. We know there are many reasons why you come up with that name. So what are you waiting for? Share it with us!
- Tell us the reasons why you came up with that name.
- How was your experience while deciding on it?
- To whom did you dedicate that certain name?
- Are you satisfied with that name?
- If given a chance, will you change it?
Rules! 📝📝📝
📌Your entry must be posted here at Steeming Community
📌Show us your creativity through writing by using 200 words or more. (Make it original)
📌Include in your post a selfie with your account name on it.
📌Invite 3 or more of your friends to join the contest.
📌Remember to use the tag #mynameiswho for your entry to be easily seen.
📌Paste the link of your entry on the reply section of this post.
📌Resteem this post.
📌Share it on your social media, twitter or Facebook (show a picture of your proof).
📌This contest is exclusive for steemingzen members only!
Prizes; 🏆🏆🏆🏆
👍Top 3 winning entries are subject for booming upvote
👍3 consolation prizes worth of 3 steem each.
Contest starts April-21 until April -26 / 2021 🏁 🏁
We hope to see more of you steemingzen!
This contest is initiated by one of the moderators @juichi.
We are waiting for your exciting entries!💁♀️💁♀️
The Steeming Community Team.🙏
Here is the link to my publication
Saya telah mengundang @ahmedyusuf @betty @zulbahri
Semoga beruntung
Thank you so much
Hello @devill, thank you for your entry. As an early participant I am sending you my 2 steem.
thank you very much for the 2 steem you gave, i am very happy
Contest entry #1
has invited @devill @midun @deltasteem
Hello @ahmadbaidawi, Thank you for your entry and for being an early participant. I am sending you my 2 steem as a gift.
thank you very much for the gift
Contest entry# 2.
This is a very interesting contest ..😍😍
I will definitely participate in this contest and I also can't wait to read the stories of my other friends.
I really hope all participants will participate in this contest;)
Thank you @deltasteem, we will be waiting for your participation :)
Let us hear your story @deltasteem!
Thank @juichi in a few days I'll do it.
Hello dear friends @steemingcuration good morning
Excellent contest, there will undoubtedly be a great acceptance, behind each username, there is a story.
I wish you many successes
Thank you for always supporting us :)
Wow i am hoping to this soon
@remay we all hope you like the contest. Feel free to participate
very nice. thanks
This is a very interesting topic! It's been a long time that I'm absent on this platform. Seeing this contest made me decide to to write again. But I want to ask how to be a Steemzen member?
Hello @jerelyn, feel free to register here,
See you around!
Thank U very much for the guidance. Btw, I am also from the Philippines
Hello kabayan!
Buenos días, comparto con ustedes mi participación.
Acá la publicación en Twitter
Holla @josegonzalito, thank you for your entry!
Agradecido con ustedes en la comunidad por organizar este tipo de eventos. Saludos.
Contest entry # 3.
Here is my entry

Shared on Twitter
Contest entry #4