Steeming Community Contest | "Your Story" | Parenthood!

in Steeming Community3 years ago

A beautiful and awesome evening Steemingzen and to all other Steemians out there.

@bellekiss-31 here for my very first post to the community, joining Steeming Community Contest | "Your Story" 120$ Total Worth of Booming Upvote + 10 Steem Worth of Consolation Prizes hosted by @fabio2614. I am so much grateful and excited though a bit nervous, glad that I am joining a contest for doing so, at least I am guided on what to do.

So here we go... What's on your mind???

PARENTING; my own story to relate.

Kuya CJ and Ate RJ are the first two blessings given by Almighty God to me and my husband. This story started on a day when I, their mom lost my job for the very first time on our married life. After 7 years of working in my first company, that also means 5 years of being a working mom without being able to spend full time with these two lovely God's creation.

Overcoming Parenthood
(copied the photo from the contest post)

This was the time when "Parenting" to me sounds difficult. We're already 5 years married, but to be honest being a full time mom for the very first time indeed made me nervous. I am used for someone was taking care of them when we're at work. This was really a challenging task at the start. I didn't know back then when and where to start, to make sure that I will never incur mistakes and would only contribute positively to their growth. I wanted to make sure that I would be able to teach them good manners that would always be applicable for them until they grow. The good thing was that I always think of the positive outcome, I could still remember that I saved a quote way back then by Zig Ziglar that says "Raising a Positive Children in a Negative World" this was because I grow up in an area wherein you cannot prevent your kids to see negative happenings in life.

Though I was adjusting at first, but taking care of their daily needs seems not that very difficult and I easily got use to it.

For my little girl back then she had this habit of hiding things from anyone and if caught, never would you hear reasons why she did such. There's this one time which worried me and my younger sister, I asked her to watch the kids when I went out for a grocery. She found out that after she left the kids playing and took a quick shower my daughter chewed a total of 17 tablets of their Ceelin Vitamins. It's a newly bought vitamins with 30 tablets, there's 28 remaining since they were given two tablets in the morning, so we were able to count she consumed and ate all of the 17 tablets like candies. I panicked during the first few minutes, then when I totally understand it I hurriedly called our doctor to get an advice, but unable to reach him. I called a nurse friend who fortunately gave us an answer on what to do, after she asked me few details, she then told me to let my daughter play and keep awake, to observe if she will vomit or will feel dizzy. She also added to let my daughter drink a lot of water and to closely observe her. Luckily after listening to her advice, we noticed that it seems nothing happened, she just played and up until midnight, good thing it's a vitamins and not a medicine. The worst case I could remember was that she got hospitalized due to Amoebiasis when she ate "ice candy" without asking permission or telling us about eating that mango flavored ice candy. I super panicked during that time and we stayed for a week in the hospital before she fully recovered. I made sure that it should be unlike the other, that we should not scold our children because they did something wrong. Just let them understand and made aware of her mistakes. Not because of eating the food she likes, but because she didn't asked permission or told us before she did it. At least moving forward she made it a habit to ask us before she eats anything bought or given by someone and a lesson for me also, to start teaching them on how they would decide for things that they consume or eat, I made sure that they're aware that vitamins and meds should only be taken when an adult would be there to let them take it.

Handling my eldest son was a bit different and challenging, because he happens to be spoiled by his grandparents as the first grandchild in my family and my husband's side. If my daughter was sweet, but not a talker type, my son is also sweet, but a talker unlike her younger sister. My eldest was used to reasoning everytime he know he's being reprimanded or if he's aware he made a mistake. When he's younger he was used to being followed of what he wanted, if he doesn't want to wear shorts, or if he doesn't like the design he would always wins and you'll end up following what he wanted. He grow up doing things that he like and even decided on his own as long as he like to do it, the good thing is that I/we were able to reinforce to him that we will not stop him from doing what he wanted since it's a part of growing up, as long as it won't harm him we're okay with it. As child as we are, during our youth days it's also difficult for us not to get what we want, but as long as we're aware that it meant no harm we can still pursue it. That's the main reason why I don't want to force him to follow what we want him to do.
During family celebrations or in any occasion we usually spend it with the kids & family. May it be vacation or go swimming with them, beach or in swimming pools. Like our kids, my husband and I, loves going to the beach and enjoying time with them. We will also tell them that since they're good and obedient kids, this will always be our way of showing how we appreciate them and how we would want to reward them for being good.

Looking at the sample picture above or from the contest post this memory came to mind and urge me to share my own story to tell. My most treasured and most memorable time before I got another job a year after. I am a Verified Parent and that's the story of my parenting life.

Getting another job doesn't stop me from showing importance to my role and made sure to continue and fullfill my job as a mother though not full time. Now these little Kiddos grown to be a positive person that I want them to be. This is not yet the end, but the start of another journey to travel with them. I am very much proud that both of them grown not just to be good and obedient, but also were smart kids on their studies. As a proud mother I'm hoping and pray that they will keep it up. To God be the Glory.

Thank you so much for spending your time in reading my story, hope that you find this useful. I'm inviting @rotchel, @jenny018 and @sundae100230 to share their own story to tell for this contest.

Have a Blessed one, Stay Safe Everyone!

Love & Care @bellekiss-31!

 3 years ago 

It's really hard for a first time mom, especially when you have no one to ask, you have no choice but just do what you think is right. You struggled but you raised them right. I salute you!

I have recommended this post for booming curation support. Continue creating quality post here at Steeming Community.
Good luck!

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much, parenting is indeed a priceless job.

 3 years ago 

Hello @bellekiss-31, I am Alejandro, alias @psicoparedes. I just pass by to tell you that I have curated your post using Steemingcuration account. Keep up with the good work 😊

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much Sir, it's a great pleasure to be recognized. Have a blessed one!

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