Please tell me : A G-dog and Faith Text Exchange

I got home today knowing I'd have the house to myself for a while as Faith is working late. It wasn't all fun and games of course, I had things to do like some tidying and making dinner for myself and to leave for Faith when she get's home. A fairly typical Thursday evening routine.
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I dropped my stuff, cuddled and played with Cleo, my little cat, and then went in search of something to eat; Again, that's a pretty typical thing. What wasn't so usual was that there were some really scrumptious-looking cup cakes in the fridge. Now in my defence, there was a moment of contemplation; You know, should I eat one? I even counted to ten before I acted...Well, let's call it a solid three at least!

So, I ate one of the cupcakes...OK, I actually ate one and a half. They were damned good!

I went about some of my tasks like the good husband I am and then...Ate the other half of that second cupcake. You knew that was coming right?

I went ahead and made dinner for myself and Faith stowed hers safely in the fridge and hit Peakd for some commenting. It was then that Faith sent a message.

It all started out nicely enough; I reported that I'd cooked dinner and Faith seemed pleased with that.

It took a bit of turn from there. You see, those cupcakes were for some friends of hers that are coming over tomorrow for chats and coffee...And cupcakes. Clearly I'd thrown a spanner in the works and Faith was pretty mad. She doesn't usually swear on text messages. Above she not only swears but tells me she is literally going to kill me. This was my first clue that I was in a spot of bother.

And there it is...The last part of the text message thread I can show you until the very end. It wasn't a very nice text exchange and I had to do some major sucking up to redeem myself.

Basically, I have to get up super early Friday morning and be at a place called Muratti Cakes & Gateaux, a place that makes some very special cakes and things, to get some replacement cakes for Faith and her friends. I've got an early day at work tomorrow and so it'll be a rush but there was no compromising with Faith: It was get it done or literally get killed. I chose the former.

She calmed down a little and the end of the text exchange went thusly.

So, there's proof that G-dog, that's me, doesn't always get it right! I'm fallible like other humans after all.

To be honest I kind of blame Faith for my cupcake-eating error. You see, we've been together for thirty three years so you'd think by now she'd know what I'm like and put a note on those cupcakes right? DON"T EAT CUPCAKES! So, it's her fault completely I'd say! I know this makes perfect sense to you. Right? 😁

Anyway, I dodged a bullet today and will live to eat another day.

Have you ever done something like this, or have you been on the receiving end? I guess we're all human and make mistakes, do stupid things and cause people stress and anxiety...So, tell me about your moment(s).


Haha this literally got me😅😅😅

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