how to invest properly so as not to be trapped by illegal investing

in Steeming Community3 years ago


antusias masyarakat untuk melakukan investasi sangat berkembang pesat, mengingat iming-iming hasil imbalan untuk mendapatkan ke untungan berkali lipat. menariknya tidak sedikit dari masyarakat rela berhutang di bank,jual tanah,dan aset untuk berinvestasi dan tidak sedikit pun dari mereka yang tertipu oleh investasi ilegal.
praktek investasi ilegal semakin marak terjadi semenjak pandemi covid-19 merebak.
seperti akhir-akhir ini yang terjadi di kota Banda Aceh investasi yang beroperasi di bidang disainer baju muslim dengan akad bagi hasil( keuntungan) 30% Sampai 50% dari modal, membuat ribuan masyarkat tertipu bahkan ada yang rugi Sampai ratusan juta rupiah dan ada juga yang kehilangan tempat tinggal karena tidak bisa menebus surat tanah yang di gadai nya di bank.

The enthusiasm of the community to invest is very fast growing, given the lure of returns to get multiple profits. interestingly, not a few of the people are willing to borrow from the bank, sell land, and assets to invest and not a few of them are deceived by illegal investment.
Illegal investment practices have become more prevalent since the Covid-19 pandemic broke out.
as recently what happened in the city of Banda Aceh, investment operating in the field of Muslim clothing designers with a profit sharing agreement (profit) of 30% to 50% of the capital, making thousands of people deceived and even losing hundreds of millions of rupiah and some are lost his residence because he could not redeem the land certificate he had pawned at the bank

investasi ilegal sangat marak terjadi belakangan ini,dalam dua bulan terakhir ini Polda Aceh telah mengusut dua kasus investasi ilegal yang meraup ke untungan mencapai ratusan milyaran rupiah dari dana nasabah dan member dan telah menetapkan 28 tersangka terdiri dari owner dan karyawan, dan menyita uang tunai 22 milyar,empat mobil mewah dan satu rumah yang di duga hasil dari uang member dan nasabah.
Illegal investment has been very rampant recently, in the last two months the Aceh Regional Police have investigated two cases of illegal investment that made hundreds of billions of rupiah in profits from customer and member funds and named 28 suspects consisting of owners and employees, and confiscated cash billions, four luxury cars and one house that are thought to be the result of money from members and customers.

sebelum melakukan investasi kita harus mencari informasi terlebih dahulu apakah perusahaan investasi tersebut apakah terdaftar di OJK (otoritas jasa keuangan) lembaga independen yang bertugas melakukan peraturan dan pengawasan terhadap jasa keuangan dan perbankan. setelah itu kita melihat bagaimana cara mereka melakukan pengelolaan keuangan tersebut, Jagan tertipu dengan iming-iming besar dengan jumlah keuntungan berkali-lipat yang mereka janjikan.
Before making an investment, we must first find information whether the investment company is registered with the OJK (financial services authority), an independent institution that is tasked with conducting regulations and supervision of financial and banking services. after that we see how they do the financial management, Jagan was deceived by the lure of a large amount of profits that they promised many times.

ciri-ciri investasi ilegal

  1. ciri utama dari investasi ilegal adalah iming-iming imbalan besar dan keu untungan tinggi.
  2. menjanjikan bonus perekrutan anggota baru.
  3. tidak memiliki izin dari otoritas jasa (OJK) ke uangan dan perbankan.
  4. proses pencairan ke untungan dengan sangat cepat
  5. tidak ada transparan soal resiko terhadap modal member dan nasabah.
  6. tidak memiliki aset yang jelas.
  7. bergantung pada member.

itulah ciri-ciri investasi ilegal semoga sahabat sekalian tidak terjerumus kedalam investasi ilegal.

the characteristics of illegal investment

  1. the main characteristic of illegal investment is the lure of large returns and high returns.
  2. Promising new recruiting bonuses.
  3. Does not have a license from the financial and banking services authority (OJK).
  4. The process of disbursement to profits is very fast
  5. There is no transparency regarding the risk to member and customer capital.
  6. Do not have clear assets.
  7. Depends on the member.

Those are the characteristics of illegal investment. Hopefully, all of you do not fall into illegal investment.

Sekian dari saya @ahmadbaidawi

 3 years ago 

Waspada tetap nomor satu

 3 years ago 

Iya bang,,sedia payung sebelum hujan..heheheh

Untuk hal itu kita harus hati-hati agar tidak terjadi yang tidak kita inginkan.

Terimakasih sudah berbagi:)

 3 years ago 

Berbagi itu sungguhlah indah,kita harus berbuat baik,apalagi di bulan ramadhan ini

 3 years ago 

We must be careful where we invest the money

 3 years ago 

there are so many scammers under the guise of investment

 3 years ago 

Hi @ahmadbaidawi, what's up? I stop by to inform you that your post has been selected to be suggested to the community support program , whose support is directed by the #booming team. Congratulations! and keep up the good work. If you haven't, check out the Steeming Community Important Announcements post.

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#onepercent #venezuela #affable

 3 years ago 

thank you very much, i am really happy to hear from you

 3 years ago 

Don't worry man, we appreciate your support too

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

Kita harus menghentikan praktek investasi ilegal, postingan kamu sangat membuka banyak hati masyarakat untuk mengenal investasi ilegal

 3 years ago 

Terimakasih @devill, kita semua harus berbagi kebaikan

 3 years ago 

Semoga berkah bang @ahmadbaidawi

 3 years ago 

@devill anda juga jangan lupa untuk berbagi ke baikan

 3 years ago 

Insyaallah bang

 3 years ago 

Nyo harus hati2 bg, pue lom karap uroe raya. 🤣🤣🤣

 3 years ago 

Iya bang,bek han sampe meuteume blo baje baroe,,gara2 Pike inves peng le..hebeheh

Hey, nice to meet you, the information is super interesting, thanks for sharing

 3 years ago 

De nada, es un placer compartirlo contigo

I wish I knew this back in the days. I was still so immature and impulsive when it comes to my decision.

 3 years ago 

we have a lot to learn from our experience because he is the best teacher

We do indeed.

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