Photography of Autumn Colors


Finally the time has arrived. I've been waiting for this time of the year to be able to enjoy the colors created by nature. It's still the beginning as the majority of the leaves are still green, but slowly we're getting there. In other words, I've got approximately one month to hunt good places to take colorful photos.

So today we're only focusing on colors given by nature.


Green and red side by side. There are two colors here and many types of plants, among which ivy as well. I've known running this plant (the red one) forever but have no idea what it is called.


The green one is ivy, which will also turn red but it needs more time. Ivy is extremely resistant to cold as sometimes can survive under the snow.



After editing the photos I noticed there's a nice spider web here, which is a bonus. The thing is the sun was so strong, I could not see every detail.





This one has some fruits, some berries which look great on the photo, another color added to the mix.


I'd love to keep these colors the whole year but that's not how nature works. There's a certain amount of time for everything and these leaves last only for a few weeks. After the temperature starts dropping below zero, there;s a high chance for them to fall.


These are different leaves, don't know how this is called either. It's time to learn about these plants I'm posting, but it's pretty difficult to identify them.

This is it for today. I have more photos for my next post, so stay tuned.

Thanks for viewing my post.

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