Help post : i need some information about achivement 1,2,3,4,5 in New Commers community
As it was told that, we have to complete achievement 1,2,3,4 from New Comers Community, I posted there for earning achievement there. I got achievement 1 about 3 months ago. Yesterday I posted for achievement 2. But my post was not verified and I do not know, why?
I am just learning about steemit. So guys I need your help badly. Here is my achievement 2 post link : achievement 2 post link
I hope guys you will check my post and help me to solve my problems.
I am requesting to @sohanurrahman @toufiq777 @rex-sumon and all the senior person to help me.
Thanks in advance
Read this post. Hope this will helpful for you -
i read this before and tried to follow this but i did not get verified after followins this