Nature water colour Dew drops photography on spider webs ||Steem Bangladesh|| 19/09/2021
Hello friends, I hope you are all well, may Allah keep you healthy and give you a long and healthy life.
Nature water colour Dew drops photography on spider webs
This post I made is this natural water clerk which is very beautiful very cute I once made this picture in winter in my village i like it very much brother i made it very closely and now i I thought the post should be shared and people should also see that it is very accurate and lovely photography. I hope our admin will like it and will tell me who liked the post I have made and I ask the admin. Thank you for seeing this post and rewarding me.
Original Photography
Original Photography
Original Photography
•This photo is very unique. It is very wonderful. I have made it with a lot of hard work. My reward is on it. Which admin of this group will give me a reward from the admin of this group? The dew drops on it look very beautiful. It came on it because of the moisture. You and I and now I have posted on this post that the pictures look very beautiful. Decorated on spider webs of different designs. These dew drops look so beautiful.
Original Photography
Original Photography
Original Photography
•The contest that is going on in this group is very good for the colors. I like it very much so I did it in my first post group. I should get a reward and I should definitely get it. Was and was with me so please give my reward and fulfill it I have made this picture with great effort and my greetings to all who read this post and whoever has the vote power I must Thanks for the reward.
Original Photography
Other details
• Used mobile phone camera
• Location basirpur city
• Country pakistan
for their remarkable support.
God bless you all.
and thanks all of you for giving it a read۔