Romana Akhter separated due to family quarrels. Jannatul Arifa

in Optical Worldlast year

A child named Jannatul Arifa Akhtar( 9) was killed by his father by drowning him in a pond in Daganbhuyan upazila of Feni. The riddle of the murder came out when the police arrested and interrogated Tipu Mia( 37), the killer's father, on Saturday( June 24) night.


The arrested Tipu Mia is the son of Kabir Ahmed of Jai Narayanpur vill of Rajapur union of Daganbhuanya upazila. He's an autorickshaw motorist by profession. According to the statement of the case and affiliated sources, around 2014 Tipu Mia and his woman

Romana Akhter separated due to family quarrels. Jannatul Arifa Akhtar was 9 months old at that time. latterly, when Tipu Mia married again, 2 further daughters were born there. Tipu Mia, who had a low income, was overwhelmed with the conservation of the son of the first family and the charges of the alternate family.


On June 18, Tipu brought his son Arifa to visit his home. On the autumn of June 21, Tipu killed his son Arifa by drowning her in the pond near the house. latterly, the cousins started miking and campaigning in the area as Arifa couldn't be set up. At one point, after Arifa's body floated in the pond, the police came suspicious according to the substantiations. At that time, the police started probing the incident by arranging for an necropsy.

Officer- in- Charge( OC) of Daganbhuana Police Station Hasan Imam said that after the incident Arifa's father went into caching. When he was arrested and interrogated on Saturday night, he said that he drowned the girl with his own hands to avoid paying her conservation. Arifa's mama , Romana Akhter, who was killed in the incident, filed a case as the complainant. The killer father Tipu Mia was handed over to the court on Sunday autumn.


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