Some Valuable words of Hazrat Maula Ali (AS)

in Optical World2 years ago

Some Valuable words of Hazrat Maula Ali (AS)


  1. Hazrat Ali (a.s.) said, ‘Man was created for love; And objects have been created for use. Problems arise when objects are loved and people are used.

  2. People are rewarded for good intentions, which in many cases is not available even after good deeds. Because in the case of intention, there is no opportunity for show-off or formality.

  3. Wealth is like the earth; And the proper place to preserve the soil is underfoot. If it is placed on the head, it is called grave. And the grave is not for the living.


  1. Time and resources are two things that are not subject to human will. Time compels man, and wealth makes him arrogant.

  2. People get only good by the company of good people. Because when the air flows over the flower, it becomes fragrant by itself.

. Fools give up peace of mind for wealth; And wise men plunder wealth for peace of mind.

. Never talk about your honesty in front of anyone. Because those who have faith in you do not need it; And he who does not have faith in you will not accept it.


. In living beings there is instinct and in angels there is intellect; But humans have both. If man suppresses conscience, he becomes an animal, and if he suppresses instinct-lust, he becomes an angel.

  1. One of the virtues of honest people is that they do not have to keep in mind; I just remember their words.

  2. ‘Word-talk’ becomes the slave of human will; But before saying that. That is to say, man becomes his slave.

  3. Dedicate love to all; But love him the most, in whose heart there is more love for you than you.

  1. Whoever gives advice alone, he equips it; And whoever gives advice in front of everyone, he makes him worse.

  2. Limit living to needs; It will not lead to hobbies. The demand is also met by a fakir. And the pleasures of a king are not fulfilled.

  3. Speak with distinction-knowledge, question-protest with evidence. For the mouth of the beast is also there; But they are deprived of knowledge-intelligence-manners.


  1. If you know something good or good about a person, say it, express it. But if you find any error, then it will be considered as a test of your own quality.

  2. Trust those people who evaluate your three things. A. With unspoken kindness in your laughter-joy, b. In case of your anger you have unspoken love, c. Acts as a cover for your silence.


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