My New Song "concrete syringe" / Mein neuer Song BETONSSPRITZE

Hello everybody,
I'm getting a new EP out soon and released a single yesterday. The single and EP are called "Betonspritze" which translates as "Concrete syringe". This is the colloquial term for the use of haloperidol (a highly potent neuroleptic) intravenously or intramuscularly in order to calm down patients in psychiatric hospitals and inmates of prisons or forensic institutions.
Concrete Syringe because after "treatment" you are as heavy as concrete and very restricted in your movements.
One of my greatest fears is that one day I will lose control so much that I will be immobilized and drugged with the Beton Syringe.
I know from experience that neuroleptics dry out my mucous membranes and that I cannot breathe while lying on my back. I would probably suffocate that way. Because my nasal spray (which I only need because of my neuroleptic medication, they would take away from me in a clinic anyway. But enough of my pronounced clinic traumas. I just wanted to give you a little insight into how the song came about.
For the first time since my stay in the clinic 6 years ago, I don't mince my words and describe in a rough way my experience with psychiatry, my pronounced fears and the side effects of strong medication.

here is your translation:

Many of you are not serious about the situation
it's not about the pain in which I bathe and often sit for days
not about my body torturing itself and screaming loud alarm
not about my heart opening briefly and then staying hard

I've already lost a lot that seemed so safe to me back then
was so rigid with fear that nothing worked and only the trembling remained
But all of this is only the tip of the iceberg
Which probably means that I don't really get old

some days I want something back
A bit of strength, a bit of fun and a really tough d*ck
not just a cramped noodle when I start
Although it fulfilled the purpose, it had to slowly crank up first

not tested for a long time, we can do it
and if I run out of breath then wa can laugh
But enough of that, I was right in the middle of the movie
Nothing will happen anytime soon, until then the pills will fuck me

I write my life on paper and it gets hot
I think this shit is almost too hot
give it some meaning again and make the songs great
but this life has its price
But I'm afraid that I'll soon be sitting here in a daze
when they grab me and lock me up
That they get me and then I get the concrete syringe
because then everything is over

And when they're there, because I'm too crazy
I go completely insane just because of fear
That was how it was back then in the clinic
overpowered me for no reason when entering

then they took my pills from me
they immediately stopped my medication and I became paranoid
then gave me the wrong ones and they triggered a psychosis
since then I've been too sick and just sit here at home all my life

you ruined me forever
I will never be able to speak again, I thought in the end
Trapped in myself for 3 years with no way out
body as heavy as lead when you get up briefly to piss

And what you see here is only what's left of me
an old fat man who sits in his little room graying early
Most of the day drinking coffee and smoking a pack of cigarettes
Come on baby get your t*ts out, I'll show you my big... belly


So terribly afraid of the concrete syringe
I just shut up for 6 years, afraid of getting it, please
just leave me sitting alone in my room
Don't chew your ears either, I just chew on my fingertips

please don't force me to go to any office
not standing in front of a band for a few cents every day
Please don't make me wake up in my own nightmare
where I live in the dorm to wait to die there

They did all of that to me after the shit
From job center to health insurance, threatened until I got scared
as if I would like to lie frozen on my couch
this luxury can never be outweighed with all the misery

please leave me, please leave me
please just leave me alone, i feel fantastic
please let me, please let me
retire, i promise i won't be 80

Hallo zusammen,
Ich bringe bald eine neue EP raus und habe gestern eine Single dazu veröffentlicht. Single und EP tragen den Namen "Betonspritze".
So bezeichnet man Umgangssprachlich, bzw. im Kreise der Betroffenen, den Einsatz von Haloperidol (einem hochpotenten Neuroleptikum) intravenös oder intramuskulär, um Patienten in Psychiatrien, sowie Insassen von Justiz Vollzugsanstalten oder Forensischen Einrichtungen ruhigzustellen.
Betonspritze deshalb, weil man nach "Behandlung" schwer wie Beton und sehr eingeschränkt in seinen Bewegungen ist.
Eine meiner größten Ängste ist, eines tages dermaßen die Kontrolle zu verlieren, dass ich fixiert und mit der Betonspritze ruhiggestellt werde.
Aus Erfahrung weiß ich, dass mir Neuroleptika die Schleimhäute austrocknen und ich auf dem Rücken liegend keine Luft bekomme. So würde ich wohl einfach ersticken. Denn mein Nasenspray (welches ich nur auf Grund meiner Neuroleptika Medikation brauche) würden sie mir in einer klinik ohnehin abnehmen. Aber genug von meinen ausgeprägten Klinik Traumata. Ich wollte euch nur einen kleinen Einblick hinter die Entstehung des Songs geben.
Zum ersten mal seit meinem Klinikaufenthalt vor 6 jahren, nehme ich mal wieder kein Blatt vor den Mund und schildere in derber Art und Weise, meine Erfahrung mit der Psychiatry, meine ausgeprägten Ängste und die Nebenwirkung von starken Medikamenten.

Viel Spaß mit dem Video


Powerful piece man! I watched the video, not having any idea what you were saying, not really, and it hit me hard. Then I read the lyrics. Made so much sense. Great work.

Thanks a lot! It means a lot to me to find international approval

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